Anal Gland Issues In Peekapoos – Not Again?!? How To Fix

Have you noticed your furry friend scooting their rear end along the ground or licking and biting at their hindquarters? If so, they may be experiencing issues with their anal glands. While any dog breed can experience problems with these glands, peekapoos are particularly prone to this issue. With their small bodies and thick coats, it can be challenging to detect when there is an issue. In this blog, we’ll discuss anal gland issues in peekapoos, including their symptoms and contributing factors. We’ll also share tips on how to treat and prevent these issues so that your furry friend can live a happy and comfortable life.

The Basics of Anal Glands

Before we dive into the specific issues that can affect peekapoos and their anal glands, it’s important to understand what exactly anal glands are and what they do. Anal glands, also known as anal sacs, are two small glands located on either side of a dog’s rectum. These glands produce a foul-smelling liquid that dogs use to mark their territory and communicate with other dogs. In healthy dogs, these glands empty naturally when the dog defecates. However, in some cases, the glands can become impacted or infected, which can lead to a host of problems for your furry friend.

anal glands are located under the tail to the sides of rectum

Why Peekapoos Are Prone to Anal Gland Issues

While any dog breed can experience issues with their anal glands, peekapoos are particularly prone to these problems. This is because they tend to have smaller bodies and shorter legs than many other breeds, which can make it more difficult for them to fully empty their anal sacs when they poop. Additionally, peekapoos often have thicker coats than other breeds, which can make it harder for owners to detect when there is an issue with their dog’s anal glands.

If left untreated or undiagnosed, anal gland problems in peekapoos can lead to discomfort and even infection for your furry pal. This is why it’s important for pet owners to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this issue so that they can take action quickly if necessary.

The Symptoms of Anal Gland Issues in Peekapoos

So how do you know if your peekapoo is experiencing issues with their anal glands? There are several key symptoms that you should be on the lookout for:

  • – Scooting or dragging their rear end on the ground
  • – Licking or biting at their rear end
  • – Foul-smelling discharge from their anus
  • – Signs of discomfort or pain when sitting or defecating
  • – Swelling, redness, or inflammation around the anus

If you notice any of these symptoms in your peekapoo, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will be able to diagnose the issue and recommend a course of treatment to help your furry friend feel better.

scooting butt on the ground is one sign of anal gland issues

The Importance of Regular Anal Gland Maintenance

The good news is that there are steps pet owners can take to help prevent anal gland issues in their peekapoos. One of the best things you can do is make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and eats a healthy diet. Regularly emptying your dog’s anal glands manually can also help prevent problems from occurring.

While this might sound daunting, it’s actually fairly simple to do and many vets recommend it as part of regular grooming. By taking a proactive approach to your peekapoo’s anal gland health, you can help keep your furry friend happy and comfortable for years to come!

What Are Anal Gland Issues In Peekapoos?

Anal gland issues can be a common problem in dogs, especially small breeds like the peekapoo. The anal glands, also referred to as scent glands, are located on either side of your dog’s anus and produce a fluid that is used for marking territory and communicating with other dogs. When these glands become impacted or infected, it can cause discomfort and even lead to infection.

Define Anal Gland Problems In Peekapoos

Anal gland problems in peekapoos refer to any issue related to the anal glands that cause discomfort or pain for your furry friend. Most commonly, this refers to impaction or infection of the anal glands.

Impaction occurs when the fluid produced by the glands thickens and cannot be emptied properly through normal bowel movements. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, scooting on their rear end, or licking/ biting at their hindquarters.

Infection occurs when bacteria enters into an impacted gland and causes inflammation which leads to more severe symptoms such as swelling around the anus, discharge from the area, or pain when going potty. In some cases of repeated infections swelling and scar tissue can build up. This leads to even more problems emptying the swollen glands. When there is that much swelling, even touching this area can be extremely painful for your peekapoo.

Explain the Symptoms of Anal Gland Issues in Peekapoos

Symptoms of anal gland issues vary depending on whether your pet has impaction or an infection but both conditions can cause your pet’s behavior habits to change. These behaviors are usually how you know that there might be something wrong with their health.

For impaction-related anal gland issues, common symptoms include:

  • frequent licking at their hindquarters
  • pink or red areas under the tail
  • dragging their bottom along surfaces such as carpets
  • scooting around while sitting down
  • standing up awkwardly with their tail down

Infections can cause more severe symptoms that require immediate veterinary attention including:

  • intense pain around their bottom region/pelvic area
  • heat or redness around the anus
  • tenderness or swelling around the area
  • fever
  • loss of appetite.

It is important to seek professional help if you notice any of these symptoms to prevent further complications. In addition to these symptoms above, your peekapoo may also exhibit general lethargy or may avoid pooping due to discomfort.

It is important to keep an eye out for any changes in your pet’s behavior or signs of discomfort and seek veterinary attention promptly if necessary. Knowing the signs can help diagnose and treat anal gland issues before they get worse.

cute brown poodle mix is staying healthy and clean

Factors that Contribute to Anal Gland Problems in Peekapoos

Although there are various causes of anal gland problems in peekapoos, some factors contribute to this issue more than others. Let’s explore some possible contributing factors.


One of the primary factors that contribute to anal gland issues in peekapoos is their diet. If a peekapoo’s diet lacks fiber or is high in fat content, it can lead to constipation and difficulty passing feces. Similarly, if the dog’s diet has too much protein or grains, it can cause soft stools that do not provide adequate pressure against the anal glands during bowel movements.

To prevent such dietary-related issues, it is essential to provide your peekapoo with a balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fiber and protein while avoiding excessive fat intake. You may also consider adding probiotics to their food as it helps maintain proper gut flora and reduces inflammation.

scruffy puppy looks at poor quality diet
shaggy puppy mongrel with a metal bowl of dry food


Another significant factor behind anal gland problems in peekapoos is genetics. Genetics play a vital role in determining whether a dog will have weak or overactive anal glands or an abnormal sphincter muscle shape.

Unfortunately, we cannot change genetics; however, being aware of your dog’s genetic disposition can help you prepare for any possible health challenges before they occur. Regular vet check-ups can diagnose genetic predisposition early on and help you take preventive measures before any severe damage occurs.

Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is yet another contributing factor behind anal gland problems in peekapoos. Not engaging your dog regularly in physical activities leads them towards weight gain which ultimately disturbs their bowel movements.

Peekapoos, like many other breeds, need regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and promote proper bowel movements. Regular walks and playtime can help your peekapoo stay active and maintain good anal gland health.

this family is playing with their puppy in the park in order to get good exercise

Low-Quality Dog Food

The low-quality dog food is another factor that contributes to anal gland problems in peekapoos. Low-grade dog food often contains fillers, additives, and preservatives that can cause inflammation in the anal glands. Additionally, such food does not provide the necessary nutrients needed for digestion and overall health.

To avoid this issue, it is crucial to purchase high-quality dog food with natural ingredients that provide essential nutrients for your peekapoo’s digestive system. Be sure to read labels before purchasing any type of dog food and consult with a vet if you are unsure which diet suits your peekapoo’s needs.

Anxiety or Stress

Anxiety or stress can lead to anal gland problems in peekapoos. When a dog feels anxious or stressed out due to changes in their routine or environment, they may start scooting or licking their back end excessively resulting in impacted glands. It is vital to address any underlying anxiety issues that your peekapoo may have by providing them with enough attention and care.

This may entail engaging them in activities such as playing games or participating in training sessions that help alleviate stress levels. If necessary, medication can also be prescribed by veterinarians to manage anxiety levels.

Several factors contribute towards anal gland problems in Peekapoos. By taking proper care of their diet, providing regular exercise opportunities along with high-quality dog food while keeping an eye on any genetic predisposition towards these issues should keep your beloved pet healthy and happy!

young poodle pekingese running across the yard for healthy exercise

Prevention of Anal Gland Issues in Peekapoos

The Importance of Regular Exercise

One of the most important ways to prevent anal gland issues in peekapoos is through regular exercise. This is because exercise helps to keep your dog’s muscles strong and healthy, which in turn aids in the natural expression of their anal glands. A lack of exercise can lead to weak muscles around the glands, making it harder for them to be naturally expressed.

There are many ways you can incorporate exercise into your peekapoo’s routine, such as daily walks or playtime at the park. Remember that every dog has unique needs, so be sure to consult with your veterinarian before starting any new exercise routine.

A Balanced Diet is Key

Aside from exercise, a balanced diet is also crucial for preventing anal gland issues in peekapoos. A poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to digestive problems and constipation which increases the risk of anal gland issues.

To ensure your peekapoo gets all the necessary nutrients they need for optimal health, feed them high-quality dog food formulated specifically for their breed and size. Additionally, incorporating fiber-rich foods like sweet potato or pumpkin into their diet can help promote regular bowel movements.

pumpkin added to dogs food can increase fiber and prevent anal gland issues

Regular Grooming Can Help

Proper grooming can also play a role in preventing anal gland issues in peekapoos. Keeping their coat clean and free from mats or tangles will allow them to move more freely and stretch out their muscles, which will help naturally express their anal glands. In addition, regularly trimming excess hair around the anus area can also help prevent blockages by allowing fluids to flow freely out of the glands.

Expressing Your Dog’s Anal Glands Manually

While it may not be necessary for all dogs, manually expressing your pooch’s anal glands can be an effective preventative measure for those who are prone to frequent anal gland issues. This can be done by a veterinarian or trained groomer, or in some cases, you may be able to learn how to do it yourself.

However, it’s important to note that manual expression should only be done when necessary and under the guidance of a professional. Over-expression can lead to further complications and discomfort for your dog.

Regular Vet Check-Ups

Last but not least, regular vet check-ups are crucial for preventing and managing anal gland issues in peekapoos. Your veterinarian will be able to detect any signs of inflammation or infection before they escalate into a more serious problem.

Additionally, they can help advise you on any dietary or lifestyle changes that may benefit your peekapoo’s overall health and wellbeing. Remember that prevention is key when it comes to maintaining your dog’s anal gland health!

this small dog is showing manual expression of anal glands

Treatment for Anal Gland Issues in Peekapoos

Anal gland issues are a common problem among peekapoos, but the good news is that there are several treatment options available. The most common treatment approach involves manually expressing the anal glands, which is a simple and effective solution for many dogs.

Manual Expression

Manual expression involves gently squeezing the anal glands to release the fluid buildup inside. This process can be done by your veterinarian or groomer, but it can also be done at home if you feel comfortable doing so.

It’s important to use caution when attempting this procedure yourself, as it can be painful for your dog if not performed correctly. To manually express your peekapoo’s anal glands at home, start by positioning your dog in a way that allows you to access their rear end easily.

You may need to enlist the help of another person or use treats to keep your dog calm and still during the process. Next, locate each gland (they are located on either side of the anus) and apply gentle pressure using your thumb and forefinger until you feel a small amount of fluid release.

While manual expression is generally safe and effective for most dogs, it may need to be performed regularly (every few weeks) for those with chronic anal gland issues. Additionally, this method may not work for all dogs – some may require additional treatment options.

ointment and medicine are some options for treatment


If manual expression does not work or is not feasible due to underlying health issues or aggression from your dog, medication may be prescribed by a veterinarian to treat anal gland problems in peekapoos. One commonly prescribed medication is an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drug that helps reduce inflammation in the glands and promote drainage.

Another option is fiber supplements such as pumpkin puree that can help regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation which can contribute to anal gland problems. It’s important to remember that medication is not always a cure-all and may have side effects, so always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment regimen.


Surgery is typically a last resort option for severe cases of anal gland issues in peekapoos. This is an incredibly invasive surgery and is difficult for most vets to accomplish. The veterinarians that we work with do not recommend this surgery.

veterinarians do not recommend invasive anal gland removal surgery

Alternative Therapies

Depending on the severity of your peekapoo’s anal gland issues, alternative therapies such as acupuncture or hydrotherapy may also be recommended by your veterinarian. These therapies aim to alleviate discomfort and promote healing by stimulating circulation throughout the body. These therapies can be useful in managing overall health issues that contribute to poor anal gland health.

Home Remedies for Anal Gland Issues in Peekapoos

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a powerful home remedy for anal gland issues. You can mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton ball in the mixture, and apply it to your peekapoo’s anus.

Leave it on for a few minutes before wiping it off with a clean cloth. Do this twice daily until your dog’s anal gland issue subsides.

a warm compress can promote circulation and healing for anal gland problems


Pumpkin is an excellent source of fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, one of the leading causes of anal gland issues in peekapoos. Canned pumpkin puree without added sugars or spices can be mixed into your dog’s food as a dietary supplement. One to two tablespoons for small dogs like peekapoos is enough.

Warm Compress

A warm compress can help reduce the swelling and discomfort associated with anal gland issues in peekapoos. Dip a clean cloth in warm water, wring out excess water, and hold it against your dog’s anus for 5-10 minutes several times per day until symptoms subside.

Dietary Changes

Dietary changes can help prevent anal gland issues in peekapoos by keeping their digestive system healthy. Feed your dog high-quality food that contains plenty of fiber to keep their bowel movements regular. Check labels carefully to make sure there are no fillers or additives that could cause digestive problems.

home remedies and herbal remedies for anal gland issues
Natural Spa Ingredients essential oil with oregano leaves for aromatherapy setup on spa ingredients background.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements such as slippery elm bark powder or marshmallow root can soothe inflammation and promote healing of irritated tissues around the anus caused by anal gland issues in peekapoos. Mix half a teaspoon of slippery elm bark powder or marshmallow root into your dog’s food once or twice daily until symptoms subside.

Keep in mind that if your dog is severely impacted or has an infection, home remedies may not be enough to alleviate symptoms and professional treatment may be necessary. The best approach to preventing anal gland issues in peekapoos is to keep them healthy and active through regular exercise, and a balanced diet.

Caring for your peekapoo’s anal glands is an essential part of their overall health care. By understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatments available for anal gland issues in peekapoos, you can take steps to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. With proper care and attention to their needs, your peekapoo can lead a happy and healthy life.


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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