Anxiety In Peekapoos – Expert Tips For A Happy & Relaxed Pup

A Brief Overview of Anxiety in Dogs

Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection, but they can also suffer from anxiety. Anxiety in dogs is a common problem that affects millions of pets every year.

This condition can manifest in various ways, such as excessive barking, destructive behavior, or fearfulness. Anxiety can be triggered by many factors like separation from their owners, loud sounds, and unfamiliar environments.

It’s essential to understand anxiety in dogs because it has significant consequences if left unchecked. An anxious dog may exhibit destructive or aggressive behavior and may cause harm to humans or other animals.

anxiety in peekapoos
Picture credit: @churro.froyo

Introduction to Peekapoos as a Breed

Peekapoos are a crossbreed between a Pekingese and a Poodle. These small dogs have become increasingly popular over the years due to their adorable looks and friendly personalities.

They are affectionate dogs that love attention from their owners but can also be timid around strangers. As with any breed, Peekapoos have specific health concerns that affect them more than other breeds.

One such issue is anxiety which can lead to severe behavioral problems if not addressed promptly. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of anxiety that commonly affect Peekapoos. We will also provide some tips on how to manage them effectively.

Why Do Dogs Experience Anxiety?

Various factors contribute to anxiety in dogs – genetics being one of them. Some breeds may be more prone to anxiety due to genetic tendencies towards nervousness or fearfulness.

Other causes include lack of socialization during their critical period (the first three months), traumatic experiences like abuse or neglect, separation from their owners for long periods, changes in the environment or routine that disrupts their perceived sense of safety and security. It’s crucial for pet parents always to observe their pets’ behavior closely for signs of anxiety. Early detection is key to managing their condition.

why are some peekapoos anxious
Picture Credit: @mona220205

The Warning Signs of Anxiety

Dogs communicate their emotions through body language and behavior. As such, it’s essential to pay close attention to the signs that indicate your Peekapoo may be experiencing anxiety. Some common symptoms include excessive barking, panting, whining, pacing back and forth or in circles, trembling or shaking, destructive behavior like chewing on furniture or objects around the house.

They may also show aggression towards people or other dogs. If you notice these behaviors in your Peekapoo, it’s essential to take steps to help them manage their anxiety before it spirals out of control.

Types of Anxiety that Affect Peekapoos

Like all dogs, Peekapoos are susceptible to various types of anxiety. The most common include separation anxiety – which occurs when they’re separated from their owners for an extended period – noise phobia – a fear of loud noises like thunderstorms and fireworks – and social anxiety – which manifests as fearfulness around other people or animals. Let’s delve into each type of anxiety and provide some tips on how you can help your pup cope with these challenging emotions.

understanding anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @maddogs.grooming

Understanding Anxiety in Peekapoos

Common Causes of Anxiety in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are an adorable and affectionate breed, but they can also be prone to anxiety. There are several common causes of anxiety in these dogs that owners should be aware of. One cause is a lack of socialization or exposure to new environments, people, and other animals when they are puppies.

This can lead to fear and anxiety in unfamiliar situations later on. Another common cause of anxiety in Peekapoos is separation from their owners.

These dogs crave attention and may become distressed when left alone for extended periods of time. Additionally, changes in their routine or environment can also trigger anxiety, such as moving to a new home or being introduced to a new family member or pet.

Genetics can also play a role in Peekapoo’s likelihood for developing anxiety. If the dog’s parents or ancestors had a history of anxiety or other behavioral issues, it may increase the chance that the dog will develop similar issues.

Symptoms of Anxiety in Peekapoos

It’s important for owners to be able to recognize the symptoms of anxiety in their Peekapoos so they can take appropriate action. Some common signs include:

  • Excessive barking or whining
  • Destructive behavior (such as chewing on furniture)
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Panting excessively
  • Hiding away from people.
  • Excessive licking or grooming (often leading to bald patches)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Aggression toward people or other animals

It’s important for owners not to dismiss these behaviors as just “bad behavior”. They could be indicators that something deeper is going on with their furry friend. If you notice any combination of these symptoms persistently over time it is crucial you consider taking your dog to see your veterinarian. They will assess if there’s an underlying medical condition contributing to the anxiety.

It’s also important to note that some of these symptoms may be present in other illnesses or stressors. It’s crucial to have a vet rule out any medical issues before proceeding to tackle the anxiety. While there are several common causes for anxiety development in peekapoos, being aware of these and understanding the symptoms can help owners identify anxiety early on and take appropriate action.

how to reduce anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @kenjispencer

Managing Anxiety in Peekapoos

Training Techniques to Reduce Anxiety

Peekapoos, like many other dogs, can benefit from training techniques to reduce their anxiety. One such technique is desensitization. This involves gradually exposing your dog to the source of their anxiety in small doses until they become used to it.

For example, if your Peekapoo is afraid of thunderstorms, you might start by playing a recording of distant thunder at a low volume while rewarding them with treats or praise for calm behavior. Over time, you can gradually increase the volume until your dog is no longer afraid.

Another technique that may help is counterconditioning. This involves pairing something positive with the source of your dog’s anxiety.

For example, you might offer your Peekapoo a special treat or toy when they hear a loud noise that usually scares them. The goal is for your dog to develop positive associations with the cause of their anxiety.

Medications and Supplements for Anxiety

In some cases, training may not be enough to reduce your Peekapoo’s anxiety levels. In these situations, medications and supplements can be helpful tools when used under veterinary supervision.

Some commonly prescribed medications include anti-anxiety drugs like fluoxetine and trazodone. Supplements such as natural calming aids like chamomile and valerian root can also be effective in reducing anxiety levels in dogs.

CBD oil has also been shown to have calming effects on anxious dogs. It’s important to note that medication and supplements should never be used as a substitute for training techniques or environmental modifications.

anxiety supplements for peekapoos
Photo credit: @peekapooitshoney

Creating a Calming Environment for Your Peekapoo

Creating a calming environment can greatly reduce anxiety levels in dogs like peekapoos who are prone to anxious behavior. This means creating an environment that’s predictable and comfortable for your dog.

One way to create a calming environment is to establish a routine for your dog. This might include feeding and walking them at the same times each day, as well as providing them with a comfortable and familiar sleeping area.

You can also use calming aids like pheromone diffusers or music designed specifically for dogs. These can help reduce anxiety levels and promote relaxation in your Peekapoo.

Managing anxiety in Peekapoos requires a combination of different techniques. Training techniques like desensitization and counterconditioning are effective ways to reduce anxiety levels in dogs.

Medications and supplements can also be helpful when used under veterinary supervision. Creating a calming environment can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety in peekapoos.

Remember, managing your Peekapoo’s anxiety is an ongoing process that requires patience and dedication from both you and your dog. With the right combination of techniques, however, it’s possible to help your furry friend feel more comfortable and relaxed in their daily life.

separation anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @dundun_the_cutie

Separation Anxiety in Peekapoos

Symptoms and Causes

Peekapoos are known to be very attached to their owners, which can lead to separation anxiety when left alone. Separation anxiety is a condition where your dog feels anxious and stressed when separated from you, resulting in destructive behavior such as chewing, barking, or attempting to escape. The causes of separation anxiety can vary from dog to dog, but some common factors include inadequate socialization as a puppy, traumatic experiences with previous owners or situations that caused intense fear or anxiety, or changes in the owner’s routine such as moving houses or changing jobs that disrupt the dog’s regular schedule.

Techniques to Alleviate Separation Anxiety

To help your Peekapoo overcome separation anxiety, you can try several techniques. One of the most effective methods is desensitization training.

This involves gradually getting your dog used to being away from you for short periods at first and then gradually increasing the time. Another technique is providing enough exercise before leaving your dog alone by giving them time for a brisk walk or playing fetch.

This will help reduce their overall energy levels and make them more relaxed when you are not around. Try leaving a favorite toy or treat before leaving the house; this will keep the Peekapoo occupied for some time and make it easier for him/her to adjust to being alone.

noise anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @bijoux_biscotti

Noise Anxiety in Peekapoos

Causes and Triggers of Noise Anxiety

Noise anxiety is another common type of anxiety among dogs that affects many Peekapoos. It is characterized by extreme fear response when exposed to loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks, vacuum cleaners, etc.

The causes of noise anxiety are not well understood; however genetics might play a significant role according to research studies done on dogs with this condition. In addition to genetics, past traumatic events or a lack of exposure to loud sounds during their critical socialization period are other potential causes.

Techniques to Reduce Noise-Related Stress

Fortunately, there are several techniques that you can use to minimize your Peekapoo’s anxiety related to noise exposure. One option is desensitization training, where you gradually expose your dog to loud noises in a controlled environment.

Another technique is providing a “safe space” for your Peekapoo during loud events; this can be done by creating an area in the house with comfortable bedding and soft lighting to reduce any additional stress. You can use calming products such as pheromone sprays or supplements that contain natural ingredients such as chamomile and lavender which are known for their calming effects.

social anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @pebbles_the_peekapoo

Social Anxiety in Peekapoos

Causes and Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is another common type of anxiety among dogs that causes them to feel highly uncomfortable around people or other animals. This type of anxiety usually arises from lack of socialization as puppies with other animals and people or previous negative experiences related to social situations. Symptoms of social anxiety include excessive barking, hiding behind furniture or the owner when around other people or animals, shaking/trembling when exposed to new environments, or showing signs of aggression when approached by unfamiliar individuals.

Techniques To Help Your Dog Feel More Comfortable Around People And Other Animals

To help reduce social anxiety in Peekapoos, try gradually exposing them to new people/animals one at a time within controlled environments. You can also provide positive reinforcement techniques like rewarding good behavior with treats/praise whenever they interact positively with others.

Another technique is providing exercise before introducing your dog into unfamiliar situations; this will help reduce their energy levels and make them calmer during the interaction. Try to avoid forcing your dog into any uncomfortable social situations as this can make the anxiety worse.

genetic anxiety in peekapoos
Photo credit: @monjiro_peekapoo

The Genetics of Anxiety in Peekapoos

While the exact causes of anxiety in dogs are still not fully understood, it is widely believed that genetics play a significant role. This means that certain breeds, and even individual dogs within a breed, may be more prone to developing anxiety than others.

In the case of Peekapoos, their parent breeds – Poodles and Pekingese – both have a reputation for being anxious, so it’s not surprising that some Peekapoos may also struggle with anxiety. However, it’s important to note that not all Peekapoos will develop anxiety simply because of their genetics.

Environmental factors and early socialization also play a crucial role in shaping a dog’s temperament and behavior. That being said, if you’re considering getting a Peekapoo or already have one with anxiety issues, it may be worth researching the breeding practices of the breeder or shelter you got your dog from to see if they prioritize temperament testing or selecting for calmness.

Breeding Practices and Anxiety in Peekapoos

In addition to genetics, how a dog is bred can also impact their likelihood for developing anxiety. Unfortunately, some breeders prioritize cosmetic traits over temperament or health when breeding dogs. This can lead to puppies with genetic predispositions towards anxiety or other behavioral issues.

If you’re looking to get a Peekapoo from a breeder, make sure you do your research and find one who prioritizes temperament testing and pairs dogs together based on compatibility rather than just appearance. You can also ask about any history of anxiety or behavioral issues in previous litters.

peekapoo socialization
Photo credit: @charsellshomes

The Importance of Early Socialization

Regardless of genetics or breeding practices, early socialization is crucial for reducing the risk of anxiety in puppies. Socialization refers to exposing your puppy to different people, animals, and environments in a positive and controlled way during the critical period between 3-14 weeks of age.

By properly socializing your puppy, you can help them develop confidence and a sense of security in new situations. This can go a long way towards preventing future anxieties.

Make sure to expose your puppy to a variety of different people – including children and men if possible – as well as other dogs and animals. Gradually introduce them to new environments like parks or busy streets, always making sure to keep their experiences positive and rewarding.

The Risks of Poor Socialization

If a puppy is not properly socialized during this critical period, they may be more prone to anxiety later on in life. Without exposure to different people, animals, and environments early on, puppies may become fearful or nervous around unfamiliar stimuli. This can lead to aggression or anxiety when faced with these situations later in life.

In some cases, poorly socialized dogs may even develop phobias of specific objects or situations that were not introduced during their critical period. For example, a dog who was never exposed to fireworks as a puppy may develop an extreme fear of loud noises later on.

positive reinforcement for peekapoos
Photo credit: @lady_the_peekapoo

The Benefits of Positive Reinforcement Training

In addition to genetics and socialization, training can also play an important role in reducing anxiety in Peekapoos. Positive reinforcement training – which involves rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior – is particularly effective at building confidence and reducing fearfulness. When using positive reinforcement techniques like clicker training or treats for good behavior, make sure you start with small steps and gradually work up to more challenging tasks.

Always keep training sessions short (no more than 10-15 minutes at a time) and end on a positive note by rewarding your dog for their hard work. By prioritizing genetics, breeding, socialization, and training, you can help reduce the risk of anxiety in your Peekapoo and raise a happy and confident companion.


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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