Pekingese Poodle (Peekapoos ) Back Injuries & IVDD Guide

Introduction: Back Injuries in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are a popular breed of small dog, known for their cute and cuddly appearance. However, these fluffy little pups are not immune to back injuries, which can be not only painful but also potentially debilitating. As a responsible pet owner, it is important to understand the common causes and signs of back injuries in peekapoos.

The spine is an essential part of any animal’s body, including dogs. It provides support and protection for the spinal cord, which sends signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

Back injuries can occur when there is damage to any part of the spine or surrounding tissues. Peekapoos are particularly susceptible to back injuries due to their small size and delicate frame.

They have a long back compared to their legs, which puts extra strain on their spine. When they jump or play too rough with other dogs, this can cause stress on their back muscles and lead to injury.

back injuries in peekapoos

Introduction to IVDD in Peekapoos:

One of the most common types of back injury that peekapoos experience is Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). This condition occurs when one or more discs between the vertebrae in the spine ruptures or herniates, causing pressure on the spinal cord.

IVDD is especially prevalent in small breeds like peekapoos due to genetics and their elongated spines. Signs that your peekapoo may be suffering from a back injury include reluctance or inability to move around normally, yelping when touched or picked up, trembling or shaking while walking, difficulty standing up or sitting down, loss of appetite and restless behavior at night due to pain.

Understanding what causes back injuries in peekapoos as well as recognizing signs that your dog may be experiencing one are both crucial steps towards providing them with adequate care if they do become injured. The next sections will dive deeper into how you can identify the specific type of back injury your dog may be suffering from and what treatment options are available.

Anatomy of the Spine and How it Relates to Back Injuries

Peekapoos, like all dogs, have a spine that is made up of small bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae work together to protect the spinal cord, which is a bundle of nerves that runs from the brain down through the spine. The spinal cord sends signals to different parts of the body and is responsible for movement, sensation, and other important functions.

The vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, which are made up of a gel-like substance surrounded by a tough outer layer. These discs act as shock absorbers and help to prevent damage to the vertebrae during movement.

When a back injury occurs in a peekapoo, it usually involves damage to one or more of these intervertebral discs. This can cause pain and other symptoms that can be quite severe.

diagram of dog spine
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Common Causes of Back Injuries in Peekapoos

There are several common causes of back injuries in peekapoos. One of the most common causes is jumping or falling from heights. Because peekapoos are small dogs, they may not be able to handle jumps or falls that larger dogs could easily manage.

This can result in damage to the intervertebral discs in their spine. Another common cause of back injuries in peekapoos is rough play with other dogs or humans.

This type of play can result in sudden movements or impacts that can cause damage to the spine. Additionally, genetics can play a role in back injuries for some peekapoos.

Some breeds are more prone to certain types of spinal issues than others. While there’s not much you can do about your dog’s genetics, understanding if they’re at risk for certain conditions may help you prevent future issues.

Signs and Symptoms of a Back Injury in Peekapoos

There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate a back injury in a peekapoo. One of the most common signs is the reluctance to move or walk.

This is because movement can be painful for dogs with back injuries. Other signs may include difficulty standing up or sitting down, sensitivity to touch, limping, shaking or trembling, and loss of appetite.

Some dogs may cry out in pain when touched on their back or near their spine. It’s important to take your peekapoo to the veterinarian if you notice any of these signs or symptoms.

The sooner a diagnosis is made, the better the chances for successful treatment. Understanding the anatomy of your peekapoo’s spine can help you prevent certain types of injuries from occurring.

Knowing what causes back injuries and what symptoms to look out for can also help you quickly identify potential health issues in your dog. If you suspect that your dog has a back injury or any other health concern it is always best to seek advice from a professional.

xray of peekapoo spine

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

What is IVDD?

Intervertebral Disc Disease, commonly referred to as IVDD, is a degenerative condition that occurs in dogs when the jelly-like substance within the intervertebral disc leaks out and presses on the spinal cord. This can lead to various neurological symptoms such as pain, weakness, or even paralysis. The condition can affect any breed of dog but is more common in small breeds like peekapoos.

Types of IVDD

There are two types of IVDD – Type I and Type II. Type I IVDD occurs suddenly and is often seen in young dogs between 3-6 years old. It’s caused by a bulging or herniated disc that puts pressure on the spinal cord, resulting in rapid onset of symptoms.

On the other hand, Type II IVDD develops gradually over time and is typically found in older dogs between 8-10 years old. It results from degeneration of the intervertebral disc over time and can cause a slow progression of symptoms.

Risk Factors for Developing IVDD in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are predisposed to developing IVDD due to their long backs, which puts additional strain on their spine. Other risk factors include genetics, obesity, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. Genetics play a significant role in determining whether a peekapoo will develop IVDD; research has shown that certain breeds have a higher incidence rate than others.

Obesity also increases the likelihood of developing the disease since extra weight places more stress on an already strained spine. Lack of exercise also contributes to an increased risk for developing back issues since it leads to decreased muscle mass and weakness throughout the body; this can cause additional strain on your dog’s back muscles when they move around too quickly or too suddenly.

Poor nutrition can contribute to the development of IVDD since it leads to weakened bones and muscles. Feeding your dog a diet that is high in protein and other essential nutrients will help keep their bones and muscles strong, reducing the risk of developing IVDD.

back injuries in peekapoos

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Back Injuries and IVDD

Diagnostic Tests Used to Diagnose a Back Injury or IVDD

If you suspect your peekapoo has a back injury or IVDD, it’s important to take them to the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Your vet will likely perform a physical exam, which may include testing the reflexes in your dog’s legs and evaluating their gait. They may also use diagnostic imaging tests such as x-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans to get a better look at your dog’s spine.

If IVDD is suspected, your vet may also perform a myelogram or spinal tap to evaluate the fluid around your dog’s spinal cord. These tests can help determine if there is any inflammation or damage to the spinal cord.

Conservative Treatment Options (e.g., Rest, Medication)

Many dogs with back injuries or mild cases of IVDD will respond well to conservative treatment options. This can include rest, pain medication, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your vet may also recommend crate rest for several weeks to allow the spine time to heal.

During this time of rest, it’s important that you limit your dog’s activity level as much as possible. This means no jumping on furniture, no strenuous playtime with other dogs or children, and limited walks outside.

You should also monitor their bowel movements closely since constipation can put additional strain on the spine. Your vet may also recommend additional therapies such as acupuncture or physical therapy to help manage pain and inflammation.

treating back injuries in peekapoos

Surgical Treatment Options

In more severe cases of IVDD where conservative treatments are not effective, surgery may be recommended. Surgery is typically required for dogs who have lost motor function in their legs due to nerve damage from an uncontrolled case of IVDD. There are several surgical options available, including laminectomy and hemilaminectomy.

These surgeries involve removing part of the vertebrae to relieve pressure on the spinal cord. Your vet will work with you to determine the best surgical option for your dog.

While surgery can be expensive and require a longer recovery time, many dogs make a full recovery and regain full function in their legs. It’s important to closely follow your vet’s post-operative instructions to ensure a successful outcome.

When to Seek Emergency Care

Back injuries and IVDD can be very serious conditions that require immediate medical attention. If your peekapoo is experiencing paralysis or loss of bladder or bowel control, it’s important that you seek emergency veterinary care right away. If caught early, many cases of back injuries and IVDD can be successfully treated with conservative measures.

However, it’s important that pet owners remain vigilant for any signs of spinal distress in their furry friends. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most peekapoos with back injuries or IVDD can go on to live happy, healthy lives.

diagram of spine in dogs

Prevention Tips for Back Injuries in Peekapoos

Exercise Recommendations to Prevent Future Back Injuries

One of the main causes of back injuries in peekapoos is jumping, so it’s important to limit the amount of jumping your dog does. This means avoiding games like fetch that require your dog to jump up and down repeatedly. Instead, focus on low-impact exercises like short walks or swimming.

Another exercise recommendation is to incorporate stretching into your peekapoo’s routine. Stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

You can find a variety of stretching exercises online or ask your veterinarian for recommendations. In addition, it’s important to build up your dog’s core strength.

A strong core can help support their spine and reduce the risk of injury. You can work on building up their core by incorporating exercises like sit-ups and leg lifts into their routine.

Tips for Managing Your Peekapoo’s Weight to Reduce Strain on Their Spine

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for all dogs, but it’s especially crucial for small breeds like peekapoos that are prone to back injuries. Excess weight puts additional strain on their spine, which can increase the likelihood of injury.

To help manage your peekapoo’s weight, start by feeding them a high-quality diet that is appropriate for their age and activity level. Avoid overfeeding them or giving them table scraps as treats.

In addition, be sure to provide plenty of opportunities for exercise and playtime. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of back injuries.

If you’re unsure about whether your peekapoo is at a healthy weight, talk to your veterinarian. They can provide recommendations based on your dog’s age, breed, activity level, and overall health.

treating back injuries in peekapoo

Other Preventative Measures Owners Can Take

In addition to exercise and weight management, there are a few other preventative measures that peekapoo owners can take to reduce the risk of back injuries. One is to provide your dog with a supportive bed or crate. This can help reduce pressure on their spine while they’re resting or sleeping.

Look for beds or crates that provide ample cushioning and support. Another measure is to avoid rough play with your peekapoo.

While it may be tempting to play tug-of-war or wrestle with your dog, these types of games can put additional strain on their spine and increase the risk of injury. Consider investing in pet insurance.

Back injuries and IVDD can be costly to treat, and having insurance can help offset some of the costs associated with diagnosis and treatment. While back injuries and IVDD are common in peekapoos, there are steps that owners can take to prevent these types of injuries.

By focusing on exercise, weight management, and other preventative measures, you can help keep your peekapoo healthy and happy for years to come. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new exercise routine or making changes to your dog’s diet.

How to Prevent Back Injuries in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are known to be prone to back injuries, particularly intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). As a pet owner, it’s essential to understand what causes these injuries and how you can prevent them from occurring.

Here are some tips on how to keep your peekapoo’s spine healthy: 1. Limit Jumping: Avoid allowing your peekapoo to jump on and off high places like couches or beds, as it puts unnecessary stress on their spine.

Instead, use a ramp or steps to help them climb up. 2. Exercise in Moderation: While exercise is important for your dog’s overall health, excessive exercise can cause strain on their muscles and joints.

Keep the exercise sessions short but consistent and ensure they have plenty of rest periods in between. 3. Manage Their Weight: Being overweight puts additional strain on the spine, increasing the risk of injury or worsening an existing condition like IVDD.

Ensure you’re feeding your pooch a balanced diet with controlled portions. 4. Use Supportive Gear: Using supportive gear like a harness rather than a collar can help reduce the strain placed directly around the neck area and distribute it evenly over their body.

recognizing back injuries in peekapoo

Symptoms of Back Injuries in Peekapoos

As with any health condition, early detection is crucial when it comes to back injuries in peekapoos. Here are some common symptoms of back injuries you should look out for:

  • Limping or Shaking: If your dog appears uncoordinated while walking or experiences tremors that seem unusual, this could indicate a possible spinal cord injury.
  • Reluctance to Move: Dogs who experience pain often become reluctant or refuse outrightly to perform specific activities they once enjoyed like jumping up on furniture.
  • Sensitivity when Handling Them: Dogs who have experienced an injury in their spinal cord may become sensitive when touched, indicating possible spinal inflammation.
  • Yelps or Whimpers: If your dog cries out in pain or whimpers when moving or picked up, this could indicate a back injury.

Diagnosis of Back Injuries and IVDD in Peekapoos

Diagnosing back injuries or IVDD early is crucial to providing effective treatment. Your vet may use several diagnostic tests to identify the exact cause of an injury.

These tests may include:

  • Radiographs: X-rays can help identify areas of the spine that are damaged, dislocated, or experiencing inflammation.
  • CT Scans: This imaging test provides detailed images of the dog’s spine and helps locate the precise area where an injury has occurred.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): MRI provides more detailed images than X-rays, making it a useful diagnostic tool for advanced cases of IVDD.
healing back injuries in peekapoos

Treatment Options for Back Injuries and IVDD in Peekapoos

The treatment options available for back injuries depend on the severity and underlying cause of the condition. Here are several treatment options that vets use to treat back injuries and IVDD in peekapoos:

  • Surgery: Surgery is often a last resort option used to correct severe spinal injuries like IVDD type II which require decompression surgery.
  • Medication and Rest: Pain relief medication can be given for pain management together with anti-inflammatory medication while resting at home to control inflammation.
  • Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation exercises like hydrotherapy can help improve muscle strength supporting the spine while reducing post-injury stiffness

As you’ve learned from this article, preventing back injuries in peekapoos requires a combination of consistent exercise routines, weight management policies alongside preventative habits such as limiting jumping off high surfaces have shown it reduces stress on their spine. In case of an injury, early detection and timely intervention can make a significant difference in the outcome of treatment.

Resting, medication, and physical therapy may be necessary to restore your pup’s health. With a little bit of caution and vigilance from pet owners alike, it is possible to keep your peekapoo’s spine healthy and happy!


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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