Pekingese Poodle (Peekapoos ) Ear Infections & How To Treat Them

Brief Overview of Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections are one of the most common health problems that dogs face. They occur when bacteria or yeast in the ear canal multiply uncontrollably, leading to inflammation and irritation.

While all dogs are at risk of developing ear infections, certain breeds like peekapoos are more prone to them due to their floppy ears and narrow ear canals. Symptoms of an ear infection can vary depending on the severity and cause but may include rubbing or scratching at the ears, foul odor, redness or swelling of the ears, discharge coming from the ears, and head shaking.

Untreated ear infections can lead to more serious complications such as hearing loss, balance issues or even facial paralysis. Therefore it is important for owners to be able to recognize the signs of an ear infection so that they can seek treatment promptly.

little peekapoo getting an ear exam

Importance of Discussing Ear Infections in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are a popular breed known for their playful personalities and adorable looks. However, like many other breeds with floppy ears, they are prone to developing ear infections due to inadequate air circulation in their narrow canals.

Not only do peekapoo owners need to be vigilant about preventing these common health issues in their dogs but also need to learn how best they can manage them should they occur. Given that peekapoos have a high risk of developing recurrent infections if not treated properly, it’s essential for owners to have a good understanding of what a healthy ear should look like as well as how best they can monitor any changes in their dog’s behavior that might indicate an evolving infection.

Moreover understanding how diet plays a role on your dog’s overall health is important too. Certain foods may put your dog at higher risk while some supplements may help prevent or manage ear infections.

Ear infections are a common problem in dogs that can lead to severe complications if left untreated. Therefore by learning how to recognize the symptoms of an infection and taking the necessary steps to prevent or manage them, peekapoo owners can ensure their furry friends stay healthy and happy for years to come.

Understanding Ear Infections in Peekapoos

Causes of Ear Infections in Peekapoos

Ear infections in peekapoos are caused by a variety of factors, including environmental factors, allergies, and genetics. One of the most common causes is bacteria or yeast overgrowth in the ear canal.

This can occur when there is excess moisture or wax buildup within the ear canal. Another common cause is allergies.

Allergic reactions to food, pollen, or other environmental irritants can cause inflammation and itching inside the ears. When dogs scratch at their ears excessively due to these allergies, it can lead to trauma within the ear canal and create an environment where bacteria and yeast can thrive.

Some dogs may be predisposed to ear infections due to their breed. For example, peekapoos have floppy ears that trap moisture within the ear canal, making them more susceptible to infections.

how do i clean my peekapoos ears

Common Symptoms to Look Out For

The symptoms of ear infections in peekapoos can vary depending on the severity of the infection. Some common signs that your dog may have an ear infection include:

  • Excessive scratching at their ears
  • Head shaking or tilting – Redness or swelling around the ears
  • Discharge from the ears – Foul odor coming from the ears

In severe cases, your dog may also experience hearing loss or balance issues. It’s important to note that if you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, you should consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Risk Factors that Increase Likelihood of an Ear Infection

There are several factors that can increase a peekapoo’s risk for developing an ear infection:

  • Floppy Ears: Dogs with floppy ears tend to be more prone to developing ear infections due to moisture getting trapped inside.
  • Allergies: Peekapoos with allergies are more likely to develop ear infections due to the inflammation and itching caused by the allergy.
  • Swimming: Dogs who swim frequently are at a higher risk of developing ear infections due to excess moisture getting trapped in their ears.
  • Genetics: Some dogs may be predisposed to ear infections due to their breed.
  • Poor Hygiene: Not cleaning your dog’s ears regularly can lead to wax buildup and increase the likelihood of an infection forming. Knowing these risk factors can help you take preventative measures and minimize your peekapoo’s chances of developing an ear infection.
keeping my peekapoos ears clean

Tips for preventing ear infections

Ear infections in peekapoos can be prevented through various measures. As with most things canine, prevention is critical, and it is a lot easier than cure.

Although certain factors, such as anatomy or genetics, cannot be altered to avoid ear infections entirely, there are numerous things you can do to make them less likely. Here are some useful tips for preventing ear infections in your peekapoo:

  • Keep the ears clean: Regular cleaning of your Peekapoo’s ears can help prevent bacterial and yeast overgrowth that could cause an ear infection. Be sure not to overdo it though: cleaning too frequently could result in irritation or trauma to the ear canal.
  • Dry the ears properly after swimming or bath: Moisture causes bacteria and yeast growth inside the ear canal, making it susceptible to infection. So make sure you dry inside the ears after swimming or bathing.
  • Trim hair around the ears: Dogs’ floppy ears can trap moisture and wax in their fur, making them more prone to infection. Ensure that you trim fur around their ears periodically.
  • Avoid allergens: Allergens such as pollen and mold spores can enter a dog’s ear canal through openings and cause irritation that leads to an infection. 5. Regular veterinary check-ups: Early detection of potential issues is always better than reactive treatment; therefore having regular checkups with your veterinarian is crucial to keeping your pup healthy.

Home remedies for mild cases

If your Peekapoo has a mild ear infection that isn’t causing severe pain or discharge from the ears, there are several home remedies you may try before seeking professional veterinary care: 1. Apple cider vinegar: Mix equal parts water with apple cider vinegar and use a cotton ball or dropper bottle filled with the mixture to clean up any debris inside your dog’s ear gently. 2. Aloe vera: Aloe vera has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the ear canal.

Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel inside your dog’s ear with a cotton ball. 3. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections.

Dilute tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply to the outer area of your dog’s ear canal. It’s crucial to remember that home remedies are only suitable for mild cases of infection, and if symptoms worsen or persist after using such remedies, you should seek professional veterinary care as soon as possible.

ear health in peekapoos

When to seek veterinary care

Ear infections in Peekapoos can be serious, and it is vital to know when it’s time to take your pup to the vet. Here are some signs that indicate you need professional veterinary care:

  • Foul odor emanating from the ears
  • Severe swelling or discharge from the ears
  • Excessive head shaking or scratching of ears
  • Redness or inflammation inside the ear canal
  • Loss of hearing

If you notice any of these symptoms in your Peekapoo or suspect they may have an ear infection, don’t hesitate: contact your veterinarian right away for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Delaying seeking medical attention could lead to severe complications such as hearing loss or chronic infections that take longer to heal

Cleaning Your Peekapoo’s Ears

Ear infections in dogs can often be prevented with regular cleaning. The anatomy of a dog’s ear canal is different from that of humans, making it prone to infection and inflammation. It is essential to keep your peekapoo’s ears clean to prevent dirt, wax, and other debris from accumulating in the canal, leading to an infection.

Importance of Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly provides several benefits. Firstly, it helps prevent any debris or wax buildup in the ear canal that can lead to infections.

Secondly, it allows you to check for any signs of an ear infection early on before it becomes severe. Regular cleaning can reduce odor and discomfort associated with dirty ears.

cleaning my peekapoos ears

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears Safely and Effectively

Before you begin cleaning your peekapoo’s ears, make sure you have all the necessary items within reach. These include cotton balls or pads, a mild ear cleaner solution recommended by your veterinarian (avoid products containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide), and treats for rewards.

  • Start by securing your dog gently but firmly so that they don’t move around too much during the process.
  • Using a cotton ball or pad soaked in an ear cleaner solution recommended by your veterinarian, gently wipe away any dirt or wax buildup from inside the ear flap.
  • Next, lift the flap of the ear and apply a few drops of the cleaner into the ear canal.
  • Massage the base of the ear gently for 20-30 seconds so that the solution penetrates deep into the canal.
  • Allow your peekapoo time to shake their head if they need to dislodge any remaining fluid/solution inside their ears.
  • Finally, use a clean cotton ball/pad again to wipe away any debris or fluid that comes out of the ear canal.
  • Reward your dog with a treat for their cooperation. It is essential to note that over-cleaning can lead to irritation and cause more harm than good.

Avoid using Q-tips, as they can push wax and debris further into the ear canal, leading to an infection. Always consult with your veterinarian on how often you should clean your dog’s ears based on their breed, age, and health status.

Cleaning your peekapoo’s ears regularly can prevent infections and ensure their overall well-being. By following these simple steps and making it a part of your dog’s routine care, you can keep their ears healthy and free from discomfort.

The Role of Diet and Nutrition

How diet can impact your dog’s susceptibility to ear infections

You might be surprised to learn that your peekapoo’s diet plays a significant role in preventing ear infections. The food they eat affects their immune system and overall health, which can help or hinder their ability to fight off bacteria and other harmful pathogens that cause ear infections. A poor-quality diet lacking in essential nutrients weakens the immune system, making your dog more susceptible to illnesses like ear infections.

Feeding your peekapoo a balanced, high-quality diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals strengthens their immune system, reduces inflammation throughout the body, and helps prevent ear infections. Additionally, food allergies can also contribute to chronic ear infections.

Common allergens include beef, wheat, chicken, dairy products, soy products, corn products. If you suspect that your peekapoo has a food allergy, talk to your vet about dietary changes.

keeping my peekapoos ears clean

Recommended foods and supplements that can help prevent or manage ear infections

Your peekapoo needs a balanced diet containing all the necessary nutrients to keep them healthy. Some foods are particularly beneficial for preventing or managing ear infections.

One way to boost immunity is by feeding your dog foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries or carrots. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce irritation in the ears; fish oil supplements are an excellent source of omega-3s.

Probiotic supplements are beneficial for promoting gut health and boosting immunity; they also improve digestion by introducing good bacteria into the digestive tract. A healthy digestive tract promotes better nutrient absorption from food reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Avoid feeding table scraps as they can upset their digestive system severely leading to overproduction of wax attracting yeast causing yeast infection and creating conditions for bacterial growth. Overall feeding a high-quality dog food supplemented with fresh fruits/vegetables and fish oil rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, along with probiotics supplements, can help prevent or manage ear infections in peekapoos.

Rarely Known Facts About Ear Infections in Peekapoos

Lesser-known causes and risk factors

While some of the causes and risk factors for ear infections in peekapoos are well known, there are also some lesser-known ones that dog owners should be aware of. One such factor is the shape of the dog’s ear canal. The tight, floppy ears of a peekapoo can make it difficult for air to circulate within the canal, creating a warm, moist environment that is conducive to bacterial growth.

Another lesser-known cause of ear infections in peekapoos is allergies. Some dogs may be allergic to certain foods or environmental allergens, which can cause inflammation and irritation in their ears – making them more susceptible to infections.

Additionally, frequent bathing or swimming can also increase the likelihood of an ear infection. Water trapped in a dog’s ears can create a breeding ground for bacteria or yeast.

symptoms of ear infections in peekapoos

Uncommon symptoms that may indicate an underlying issue

While many of the symptoms associated with ear infections are fairly common knowledge among pet owners – such as head shaking and scratching at the ears – there are also some less commonly recognized signs that may indicate a more serious underlying issue. For example, if your peekapoo seems to be losing its balance or is having difficulty walking steadily, it could be a sign that the infection has spread beyond just their ears and into their nervous system.

Similarly, if your dog is experiencing facial paralysis on one side or seems to be experiencing hearing loss, this could also indicate a more serious infection. Other uncommon symptoms include discharge from one or both ears that smells particularly foul or accompanies blood; swelling around one side of your dog’s head; or redness and swelling around your pup’s outer ear flap.

Ultimately, any unusual behavior warrants immediate veterinary attention so it can be determined whether it’s indicative of an ear infection or something more serious. While ear infections are a common occurrence among peekapoos, there are several lesser-known causes and risk factors that can contribute to their development.

Additionally, there are some less commonly recognized signs that may indicate a more serious underlying issue, which should be taken seriously by dog owners. By familiarizing yourself with these uncommon symptoms and lesser-known factors, you can help your furry friend stay healthy and avoid potentially serious complications from ear infections.

Recap of key takeaways about ear infections in peekapoos

The Importance of Understanding Ear Infections in Peekapoos

Ear infections are a common problem among dogs, and peekapoos are no exception. As a pet owner, it’s important to understand the causes and symptoms of ear infections in order to prevent them from occurring or treat them promptly.

Some of the most common causes of ear infections in peekapoos include allergies, moisture trapped in the ears, and bacterial or yeast infections. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include redness, swelling, itching, discharge or foul odor.

how do i keep my peekapoo's ears healthy

Preventing and Treating Ear Infections

Fortunately, there are several ways you can prevent ear infections from occurring in your peekapoo. Regular cleaning is crucial for keeping your dog’s ears free of dirt and debris that could lead to infection.

Additionally, feeding your dog a well-balanced diet with plenty of essential fatty acids can help keep their skin healthy and reduce their risk for developing allergies that could lead to ear infections. If your peekapoo does develop an ear infection, it’s important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Your veterinarian may prescribe medication such as antibiotics or antifungals depending on the cause of the infection. For mild cases or as an adjunct treatment for more severe cases, there are also several home remedies you can try such as apple cider vinegar or coconut oil.

Cleaning Your Peekapoo’s Ears

Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly is not only important for preventing ear infections but also for maintaining overall hygiene. When cleaning your peekapoo’s ears at home, make sure to use a gentle cleanser that won’t irritate their sensitive skin. Follow instructions carefully and avoid using cotton swabs which can push wax deeper into the ear canal.

The Role of Diet and Nutrition

Your dog’s diet can play a significant role in their susceptibility to ear infections. Feeding your peekapoo a well-balanced diet with plenty of essential fatty acids can help keep their skin healthy and reduce the risk of developing allergies that could lead to ear infections. Additionally, certain foods and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and probiotics may also help prevent or manage ear infections.

keeping my peekapoos ears clean

Rarely Known Facts About Ear Infections in Peekapoos

While most pet owners are familiar with the common causes and symptoms of ear infections in dogs, there are some lesser-known facts that may surprise you. For example, did you know that certain dog breeds such as peekapoos are more prone to developing ear infections than others? Other lesser-known risk factors include living in a humid environment or swimming frequently.

While ear infections can be a frustrating problem for pet owners to deal with, they are fortunately manageable with proper care and attention. By understanding the causes and symptoms of ear infections in peekapoos, taking steps to prevent them from occurring, seeking veterinary care when necessary, cleaning your dog’s ears regularly at home using gentle cleansers; feeding them a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients; you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy for years to come!


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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