Merle Peekapoos – Unique Coats

As a holistic veterinarian, I’ve always been fascinated by the unique characteristics that each breed of dog possesses. One that often stands out for its distinctive coat is the Merle Peekapoo. This small, affectionate breed is a cross between a Pekingese and a Poodle, with the Merle gene adding a touch of the extraordinary to their coats. But what makes these coats so special?

merle peekapoo

Ever wondered what makes the Merle Peekapoo’s coat so distinct and unique? Prepare to dive into the fascinating world of canine genetics!

The Role of Genetics in Determining Coat Color

The vibrant and varied colors of a Merle Peekapoo’s coat aren’t just a result of nature’s artistic flair. Rather, they’re the outcome of intricate genetic interactions. Just like human hair color, a dog’s coat color is determined by the DNA it inherits from its parents. But unlike human hair, which usually comes in a range of one color, a dog’s coat can feature a variety of hues, patterns, and markings. This diversity results from the intersection of multiple genes, each of which controls a different aspect of the coat’s appearance.

One of the primary genes involved in coat color is the Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) gene, often referred to as the “E” locus. This gene controls the production of eumelanin (black pigment) and phaeomelanin (red or yellow pigment) in the dog’s fur. Depending on the variations of this gene a Merle Peekapoo inherits, it can have a coat ranging from solid black or brown to red or cream.

Specific Genes that Influence Merle Peekapoos’ Unique Coats

However, the MC1R gene isn’t the only player in the game. The Merle Peekapoo’s unique coat colors and patterns result from the interaction of this gene with others, most notably the merle gene.

The merle gene, scientifically known as the SILV or PMEL gene, dilutes the eumelanin pigment on random parts of the dog’s coat, resulting in a mottled or patchy appearance. When a Peekapoo inherits the merle gene, its coat will feature a mix of colored and lighter, diluted patches, creating the distinctive merle pattern. This pattern is different for every merle Peekapoo, making each one of them truly unique.

While the merle gene is dominant, meaning that only one parent needs to pass it on for the puppy to show the merle pattern, it’s also important to note that not all Merle Peekapoos will look the same. The MC1R gene and other genes can affect the color of the merle patches and the overall appearance of the coat. For example, if a Merle Peekapoo inherits two copies of the merle gene, it may have a much lighter coat with less distinct patches.

Understanding the genetics behind the Merle Peekapoo’s unique coat isn’t just a fascinating journey into the world of canine genetics. It also helps breeders and potential owners understand the potential health implications linked to the merle gene. But most importantly, it allows us to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of each Merle Peekapoo’s coat.

Characteristics of Merle Peekapoos’ Unique Coats

Merle Peekapoos are known for their distinct and beautiful coats. The Merle gene gives them a mix of dark and light patches all over their body, creating a mosaic pattern that is truly unique to each dog. This section will delve into the characteristics of the Merle Peekapoo’s coat in terms of color, texture, and length.

Description of Merle Peekapoos’ Coat Colors

When we talk about the color of a Merle Peekapoo’s coat, it’s important to note that it doesn’t adhere to one single color pattern. Instead, it’s a blend of different shades and hues, all thanks to the Merle gene. This gene dilutes random parts of the coat, which leads to lighter patches appearing against a darker base color. The result is a stunning, dappled effect.

The base color of a Merle Peekapoo can range from black, brown, or even red. The diluted patches can appear in lighter shades of these base colors, creating a beautiful contrast. For instance, a black Merle Peekapoo might have lighter gray or silver patches. It’s this unique color play that makes Merle Peekapoos such a visual delight.

Texture and Length of Merle Peekapoos’ Coats

Merle Peekapoos inherit their coat characteristics from both their Poodle and Pekingese parents, resulting in a coat that is a perfect blend of both. They possess a wavy to curly coat that is typically of medium length. The texture of their coat is soft and plush, making them incredibly cuddly.

The density of a Merle Peekapoo’s coat can vary from dog to dog. Some may have a thicker, more Poodle-like coat, while others might have a less dense coat, taking after the Pekingese side of the family. Regardless of the density, their coats are always full and fluffy, adding to their overall charm.

Merle Peekapoos’ coats require regular grooming to keep them looking their best. Regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and tangles, especially given their wavy to curly hair. In addition, their unique merle coat coloration requires them to be protected from excessive sun exposure, as it can lead to skin issues.

Understanding the characteristics of a Merle Peekapoo’s coat is not only important for their care but also for appreciating their unique beauty. Their mesmerizing coat color, coupled with the plush, wavy texture, makes them stand out in a crowd and contributes to their popularity among dog lovers.

Caring for Merle Peekapoos’ Unique Coats

Merle Peekapoos, with their beautifully unique coats, require more specialized grooming and care than your average canine. Here’s how you can keep your Merle Peekapoo’s coat in tip-top shape.

Essential Grooming Tips for Merle Peekapoos

Grooming your Merle Peekapoo is not just about making them look good, but it’s also crucial for their health. Here are some essential grooming tips:

Regular Brushing: Brush your Merle Peekapoo at least two to three times a week. This helps to remove any loose fur and prevent matting. Use a slicker brush or a comb designed for long-haired dogs.

Bathing: Bathe your dog once a month or when they get dirty. Use a mild, hypoallergenic dog shampoo to avoid any skin irritation.

Trimming: Keep an eye on the hair length. Long hair can cause discomfort and may lead to skin problems. Regular trimming is necessary to maintain a manageable coat length.

Eye and Ear Care: Merle Peekapoos often have hair around their eyes and ears. Regularly clean these areas to avoid infections.

Professional Grooming: Consider taking your Merle Peekapoo to a professional groomer every six to eight weeks. They can provide a proper haircut and address any grooming issues you might have missed.

Recommended Products for Maintaining Merle Peekapoos’ Coats

Having the right grooming tools can make a big difference in maintaining your Merle Peekapoo’s unique coat. Here are some recommended products:

Detangling Spray: This is a must-have for dogs with long hair like the Merle Peekapoo. It helps to detangle knots and makes brushing easier.

Slicker Brush: A slicker brush is ideal for removing loose fur and preventing matting.

Hypoallergenic Shampoo: A good quality hypoallergenic shampoo can clean your dog’s coat without causing skin irritation.

Canine Conditioner: A conditioner adds extra moisture and shine to your dog’s coat after shampooing.

Grooming Scissors: Use grooming scissors to trim the hair around your dog’s eyes, ears, and paws.

Nail Clippers: Regularly trim your dog’s nails to prevent overgrowth and discomfort.

Remember, your Merle Peekapoo’s unique coat not only adds to their aesthetic appeal but can also be an indicator of their overall health. Proper grooming and care are essential in maintaining their beautiful coat and ensuring they stay healthy and happy.

merle peekapoo coloring

Health Considerations for Merle Peekapoos

When it comes to owning a Merle Peekapoo, it’s not just about admiring their beautiful and unique coats. As a responsible dog parent, you should also be aware of the health considerations that this breed may face.

Common Health Issues in Merle Peekapoos

Merle Peekapoos, like any other breed, can be prone to certain health issues. Understanding these potential problems can help you provide the best care for your furry friend.

  • Eye Issues: Merle Peekapoos can sometimes have eye problems. This could range from minor conditions like dry eyes to more serious ones like Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), which can lead to blindness if not treated promptly.
  • Skin Conditions: The unique Merle coat can sometimes come with skin issues. These can include allergies, dermatitis, or other skin irritations that may require special care or treatment.
  • Orthopedic Issues: Like many small breeds, Merle Peekapoos can be prone to certain orthopedic problems such as Patellar Luxation, where the kneecap dislocates or moves out of its normal position.
  • Dental Problems: Small breeds often struggle with dental issues, and Merle Peekapoos are no exception. Regular brushing and dental check-ups are crucial for these dogs.

How Coat Color Can Indicate Health in Merle Peekapoos

In addition to these common health issues, the unique coat color of Merle Peekapoos can sometimes provide clues about their health. The Merle gene, which creates their distinctive coat pattern, can occasionally be associated with certain health issues.

For instance, dogs with the Merle gene can sometimes be more prone to deafness. This is particularly true for dogs with large amounts of white in their coat, as the gene that causes the Merle pattern can also affect the development of the inner ear.

Moreover, Merle dogs can sometimes be more susceptible to sunburn due to areas of lighter or white fur. This can lead to skin issues if they are exposed to the sun for prolonged periods without protection.

It’s important to note that not all Merle Peekapoos will experience these health issues. Many live long, healthy lives without any major problems. However, being aware of these potential issues can help you take proactive measures to ensure your Merle Peekapoo’s health and wellbeing.

Remember, regular vet check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of any potential health issues. And, of course, feeding your Merle Peekapoo a balanced diet and ensuring they get plenty of exercises will also go a long way in keeping them healthy and happy.

In the end, the unique coat of a Merle Peekapoo isn’t just beautiful to look at; it’s also a window into their health. By understanding the potential health considerations associated with this breed, you can ensure your Merle Peekapoo lives a long, healthy, and happy life.

Breeding Merle Peekapoos

Breeding Merle Peekapoos requires a careful consideration of several factors. This is not just about getting a litter of puppies, but it’s about ensuring the health and well-being of both the parent dogs and the puppies.

Considerations for Breeding Merle Peekapoos

When it comes to breeding Merle Peekapoos, it’s essential to understand the breed’s genetic makeup. As you might already know, the Merle gene, which gives the Peekapoo its unique coat, is a dominant gene. This means that only one parent needs to carry the gene for the offspring to potentially inherit the Merle coat.

  • Genetic Testing: Before breeding, consider having both parent dogs genetically tested. This can help identify potential health risks and ensure the puppies will not inherit any unwanted genetic disorders.
  • Health Check-ups: Regular health check-ups for the parent dogs are also essential. This will make sure they are in the best health possible before breeding.
  • Responsible Breeding: Breeding should not be done too frequently. Overbreeding can lead to health issues for the mother dog and lower quality of life for the puppies.
  • Mating Age: It’s essential to consider the age of the Peekapoos before breeding. They should be at an optimal age for breeding, which is typically after they have reached full maturity.

The Role of Coat Color in Breeding Decisions

The coat color plays a significant role in breeding decisions for Merle Peekapoos. Breeders often aim to produce puppies with the unique Merle coat, as they are highly sought after. However, it’s important to note that breeding two Merle Peekapoos together can increase the risk of health issues. This is because the Merle gene is associated with some health problems when it is present in a double dose.

  • Coat Color and Health: Breeding two Merles can lead to an increased risk of deafness or blindness in the puppies, so it’s generally advised to breed a Merle Peekapoo with a non-Merle to reduce these risks.
  • Demand for Merle Peekapoos: The unique coat of the Merle Peekapoo is highly desirable, making them popular among potential dog owners. However, the health and well-being of the dogs should always be the priority over coat color.

Remember, breeding is a significant commitment and should be done responsibly. Always prioritize the health and well-being of the dogs over any aesthetic preferences. With careful considerations and responsible decisions, you can contribute to the well-being of the Merle Peekapoo breed and help bring healthy, happy puppies into the world.

what are merle peekapoo

Adopting a Merle Peekapoo

Adopting a pet, especially a dog like the Merle Peekapoo, can be a rewarding experience. This unique breed, with its distinctive coat, is sure to bring joy and color to your home. But, before you bring a Merle Peekapoo into your life, it’s important to know what to look out for and understand the role of their coat color in your future pet-parent journey.

What to Look for When Adopting a Merle Peekapoo

When adopting a Merle Peekapoo, there are several factors to consider. Among them, the dog’s health, temperament, age, and the characteristics of its beautiful, unique coat are the most important.

Health: Like any breed, Merle Peekapoos may be prone to certain health issues. It’s important to know the dog’s health history and ensure it has been properly screened for any genetic conditions.

Temperament: Peekapoos are known for their friendly and sociable nature. However, each dog is an individual, and it’s important to spend time with the dog before adoption to make sure their personality fits well with your lifestyle and family dynamics.

Age: Puppies are adorable, but they also require a lot of time, patience, and training. If you’re not ready for the commitment a puppy requires, consider adopting an older Merle Peekapoo who may already be trained.

Coat: The Merle Peekapoo’s coat is indeed a sight to behold. However, it’s important to examine the coat closely, as the condition of a dog’s fur can tell you a lot about its overall health.

Understanding the Importance of Coat Color When Adopting

The Merle Peekapoo’s coat is not just about the aesthetic appeal. The coat color can also give you insights into the dog’s health and care requirements.

The Merle gene that gives the Peekapoo its distinctive coat can sometimes be associated with certain health issues, like hearing and vision problems. This is why it’s important to ensure that your potential pet has been health screened.

The coat of a Merle Peekapoo can also require regular grooming to keep it looking its best. This means you will need to factor in the time and cost of grooming when considering adopting this breed.

Furthermore, understanding the genetics behind your Peekapoo’s coat can help you appreciate its uniqueness. The merle pattern is a result of a specific gene, and each Merle Peekapoo’s coat will be unique to them. This also means that there can be a wide variety of colors and patterns within the Merle Peekapoo breed, making each one truly one-of-a-kind.

In conclusion, adopting a Merle Peekapoo is a big decision, but knowing what to look for and understanding the importance of their unique coat can help you make the best choice for your family. Remember, adopting a pet means committing to their care and wellbeing for their entire life, but with the right preparation and knowledge, it can be a truly rewarding experience.


As we draw our exploration of Merle Peekapoos to a close, we must take a moment to appreciate the stunning aesthetics of these unique dogs. Their coats, a living canvas of swirling patterns and hues, make each Merle Peekapoo a true work of art.

Their coat’s visual appeal is not just about its color, though that is certainly a defining feature. The intricate patterns, the blend of colors, and the way they catch the light create a captivating spectacle. The soft texture and varying lengths of their coats add a tactile dimension to their appeal, inviting touch and cuddles.

Appreciating the Aesthetic Appeal of Merle Peekapoos

When you look at a Merle Peekapoo, you can’t help but admire the beauty that nature has crafted. The Merle gene that these dogs carry creates a stunning, dappled pattern of light and dark patches, making their coats a spectacle of natural art. The hues can range from silvery blues to warm browns, each with a unique combination and pattern.

The texture of their coat, whether it is wavy or curly, adds another layer of appeal. The curliness of their coat, passed down from their Poodle parent, gives them a plush, teddy bear-like appearance. The length of their coat can vary, but it usually ranges from medium to long, adding to their cuddly appeal.

The Role of Unique Coats in the Popularity of Merle Peekapoos

The unique coats of Merle Peekapoos are undeniably a significant factor in their popularity. Dog enthusiasts and potential dog parents are often drawn to their striking appearance and the distinctive patterns of their coats.

But remember, it’s not just about looks. The colors and patterns of their coats can also give you a glimpse into their genetic health. For instance, Merle Peekapoos with predominantly white coats may be more susceptible to certain health issues.

Their coats also play a role in breeding decisions. Breeders mindful of maintaining the health and diversity of the breed often consider coat color and pattern when selecting breeding pairs.

Finally, if you’re considering adopting a Merle Peekapoo, their unique coats can give you a sense of their character and health. It’s a charming and important part of who they are.

So, whether you’re a dog lover, a potential dog parent, or a breeder, the unique coat of a Merle Peekapoo is something to appreciate and celebrate. It’s a testament to the marvels of genetics, a sign of their breed’s health and diversity, and an integral part of their irresistible charm.

As we wrap up this discussion, remember that while the beautiful coat of a Merle Peekapoo is a joy to behold, it’s their sweet nature, intelligence, and loving disposition that truly make them a delightful addition to any family.

So here’s to the Merle Peekapoo, a small dog with a big heart, wrapped in a coat of many colors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Merle Peekapoos?

Merle Peekapoos are a crossbreed between a Poodle and a Pekingese. They are known for their unique coat patterns, which feature a mottled or marbled effect with patches of different colors.

2. Are Merle Peekapoos hypoallergenic?

Yes, Merle Peekapoos are considered hypoallergenic dogs. They have a low-shedding coat that produces less dander, making them a suitable choice for individuals with allergies.

3. How big do Merle Peekapoos get?

The size of a Merle Peekapoo can vary depending on the size of its Poodle parent. On average, they tend to be small to medium-sized dogs, weighing between 10 to 20 pounds and standing around 10 to 15 inches tall at the shoulder.

4. Do Merle Peekapoos require special grooming?

Merle Peekapoos have a long, wavy or curly coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and keep it looking its best. They should be brushed at least a few times a week and may need professional grooming every 6 to 8 weeks.

5. Are Merle Peekapoos good family pets?

Yes, Merle Peekapoos make great family pets. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, and they get along well with children and other pets when properly socialized. They are also intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train.

Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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