Common Intestinal Parasites In Peekapoos – Worms & How To Rid

As a peekapoo owner, you may love their adorable looks and playful demeanor. But did you know that these cute little dogs are also more susceptible to parasitic infections than other breeds? It’s true – peekapoos have a higher risk of contracting intestinal parasites, which can be harmful to their health if left untreated.

internal parasites in peekapoos
Photo credit: @woodie_the_peekapoo

A Brief Overview of Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

Intestinal parasites are microscopic organisms that live in the digestive tract of animals. They feed off the nutrients in their host’s body and can cause a range of symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. There are several types of intestinal parasites that can affect dogs, including roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms.

These parasites are usually contracted through contact with contaminated soil or feces from infected animals. Puppies are particularly susceptible to intestinal parasites as they can be born with them or contract them during nursing from an infected mother.

Why Peekapoos Are Susceptible to Intestinal Parasites

Peekapoos are a crossbreed between Pekingese and poodles. While they may inherit desirable traits from both breeds such as intelligence and loyalty, they also inherit some negative traits such as susceptibility to parasitic infections.

This is because both parent breeds have been known to carry intestinal parasites like roundworms and hookworms. In addition to genetics playing a role in their susceptibility to parasitic infections, peekapoos also tend to be small dogs.

This means that they have less body mass compared to larger breeds which makes it easier for these tiny organisms like worms to cause harm. Another factor contributing towards peekapoo’s susceptibility to intestinal parasites is their curious nature.

These dogs love to explore, sniff, and even taste things in their environment. This puts them at a higher risk of ingesting contaminated soil or feces which can contain parasitic eggs.

are peekapoos susceptible to parasites
Photo credit: @itsmaddiemaypeekapoo

How Intestinal Parasites Can Affect Your Peekapoo

If left untreated, intestinal parasites can cause serious harm to your peekapoo’s health. Symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, and anemia. In severe cases, these infections can lead to death if not treated promptly.

Furthermore, some types of intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms can also infect humans. Humans can contract these parasites by accidentally ingesting the eggs or larvae present in contaminated soil or feces from an infected dog.

It is therefore crucial that you take proactive measures to prevent and treat intestinal parasites in your peekapoo. By doing so, you will not only ensure your dog’s health but also protect yourself and your family from potential health risks associated with these infections.

how to peekapoos get parasites
Photo credit: @hannaliisak

Common Intestinal Parasites in Peekapoos

Roundworms: Symptoms, Transmission, and Treatment Options

Roundworms are the most common type of intestinal parasite found in dogs. These parasites can be transmitted to peekapoos through contaminated soil, food, or water. Infected mother dogs can also pass roundworms to their puppies during pregnancy or nursing.

In peekapoos, roundworm infections can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and a potbelly appearance. Treatment for roundworm infections typically involves deworming medication prescribed by a veterinarian.

The medication helps kill off adult worms in the intestine but may not be effective against larvae or eggs that have already been shed into the environment. Repeat treatments may be necessary to completely rid a peekapoo of roundworms.

Hookworms: Symptoms, Transmission, and Treatment Options

Hookworms are another type of intestinal parasite that can infect peekapoos. These parasites are transmitted through contact with contaminated soil or feces and can enter the dog’s body through their skin or when they ingest contaminated material. Hookworm infections can lead to symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, anemia (low red blood cell count), and weight loss.

Treatment for hookworm infections typically involves deworming medications prescribed by a veterinarian that target adult worms in the intestine. Additional medication may be necessary to treat anemia caused by hookworm infections.

types of parasites in peekapoos
Photo credit: @pebbles_the_peekapoo

Tapeworms: Symptoms, Transmission, and Treatment Options

Tapeworms are another common type of intestinal parasite found in peekapoos. These parasites are often contracted when a dog ingests fleas infected with tapeworm larvae or when they consume raw meat containing tapeworm eggs.

Tapeworm infections may cause symptoms such as itching around the anus (due to segments of the worm exiting the body through the rectum), diarrhea, and weight loss. Treatment for tapeworm infections typically involves deworming medication prescribed by a veterinarian.

The medication works by dissolving the tapeworm in the dog’s intestine, allowing it to be eliminated through feces. Intestinal parasites are a common issue faced by peekapoos and other dogs.

Regular deworming and proper hygiene practices can help prevent these infections from occurring or spreading. If you suspect your peekapoo may have an intestinal parasite, it is important to seek veterinary care promptly to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

how to treat parasites in peekapoos
Photo credit: @mdbillie

Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites in Peekapoos

Loss of appetite

One of the most common symptoms of intestinal parasites in peekapoos is a loss of appetite. Dogs infected with parasites may not feel hungry or may be unable to keep any food down due to the damage the parasites have caused to their intestines. If you notice that your peekapoo is no longer interested in eating or has stopped eating altogether, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up.


Diarrhea is another common symptom of intestinal parasites in peekapoos. Parasites can irritate and inflame the lining of your dog’s intestines, causing diarrhea that may be watery, bloody, or mucoid. If your peekapoo is experiencing diarrhea for more than a day or two, it’s time to take them to the vet.


In addition to losing their appetite and experiencing diarrhea, dogs with intestinal parasites may also vomit frequently. Vomiting can be a sign that your dog’s body is trying to get rid of something harmful or irritating from their stomach and intestines. If your peekapoo has been vomiting for more than 24 hours or if you notice blood in their vomit, seek veterinary care immediately.

Weight loss

Intestinal parasites can cause weight loss in dogs because they are stealing nutrients from their host’s body. Because they are competing for nutrients with your dog’s body, they can leave them malnourished and underweight even if they are eating regularly.


Dogs with intestinal parasites often feel tired and lethargic because they aren’t getting enough nutrients from their food due to the presence of these invaders in their bodies. They may seem sluggish or unwilling to play, may not be interested in going for walks or getting up from their bed, and may sleep more than usual. If you notice any of these symptoms in your peekapoo, it’s important to take them to the vet right away.

A veterinarian can perform a fecal exam to check for parasites and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Remember that early detection and treatment can make all the difference in your pet’s health and well-being.

how to deworm my peekapoo
Photo credit: @kenjispencer

Prevention and Treatment of Intestinal Parasites in Peekapoos

Regular Deworming Schedule

One of the best ways to prevent intestinal parasites in peekapoos is to have a regular deworming schedule. This entails giving your dog medication that will kill any parasites that may be present in its system.

It is important to consult with a veterinarian about the appropriate medication and dosages, as using an incorrect dosage can be harmful to your pet. The frequency of deworming depends on several factors such as age, lifestyle, and potential exposure to parasites.

It is important to note that even if your dog does not show any symptoms of infection, regular deworming is still necessary. Some parasites may not cause obvious symptoms until they have caused significant damage or spread to other parts of the body.

peekapoo holding a stick
Photo credit: @lady_the_peekapoo

Proper Hygiene Practices for Both the Dog and Its Environment

Another crucial aspect of preventing intestinal parasites in peekapoos is maintaining proper hygiene practices both for your pet and its environment. These practices include:

– Regularly cleaning up feces from your yard or designated bathroom area – Frequently washing your dog’s bedding, toys, and food/water bowls

– Giving your pet regular baths with a mild shampoo By following these simple steps, you can greatly decrease the risk of parasite contamination in your home.

Use of Preventative Medication Prescribed by a Veterinarian

In addition to following a regular deworming schedule and maintaining proper hygiene practices, using preventative medication prescribed by a veterinarian can help protect your peekapoo from intestinal parasites. These medications come in various forms such as tablets or topical solutions applied directly onto the skin.

Some preventative medications also provide protection against other types of pests like fleas or ticks. However, it is important to follow dosage instructions carefully and consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog.

Preventing and treating intestinal parasites in peekapoos requires a multi-faceted approach. By following a regular deworming schedule, maintaining proper hygiene practices, and using preventative medication as directed by a veterinarian, you can help keep your pet healthy and parasite-free for years to come.

cute peekapoo on the couch
Photo credit: @choco_peekapoo2022

Lesser Known Facts about Intestinal Parasites in Peekapoos

Parasite Transmission from Mother to Puppies

One of the lesser-known facts about intestinal parasites in peekapoos is that they can be transmitted from mother to puppies during pregnancy or nursing. This is especially true for roundworms, which are incredibly common in puppies and can be passed on through infected mothers.

In fact, up to 90% of puppies can be infected with roundworms if their mothers are not dewormed before giving birth. It’s important for breeders and pet owners to be aware of this risk and take appropriate measures to prevent it.

Pregnant dogs should receive regular check-ups and deworming medication as recommended by their veterinarian. Puppies should also be dewormed at a young age, typically around 2-3 weeks old, and then regularly until they reach adulthood.

The Importance of Fecal Exams

Another important but often overlooked aspect of preventing and detecting intestinal parasites in peekapoos is regular fecal exams. These exams involve analyzing a stool sample for the presence of parasites or their eggs.

Fecal exams should be performed at least once a year for adult dogs, and more frequently for puppies or dogs with a history of parasitic infections. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment, as some parasites can cause serious health problems if left untreated.

Additionally, fecal exams can help identify other health issues that may not have obvious symptoms, such as bacterial infections or digestive disorders. It’s an easy way to ensure your peekapoo is healthy both inside and out.

get rid of parasites in your peekapoo
Photo credit: @poppythepeekapoo

Human Risk of Parasitic Infection

While intestinal parasites in peekapoos primarily affect the dogs themselves, certain types can also infect humans. This makes proper prevention and treatment even more important. For example, hookworms can be transmitted to humans through contact with contaminated soil or dog feces.

Symptoms in humans can range from mild skin irritation to more serious conditions like anemia or intestinal inflammation. Tapeworms are another parasite that can be transmitted to humans through infected dogs.

While they are usually not harmful, they can cause discomfort and embarrassment for those affected. By practicing good hygiene habits, including washing your hands regularly and properly disposing of dog waste, you can greatly reduce the risk of parasitic infection for both yourself and your peekapoo.

Recap of Key Points Regarding Intestinal Parasites in Peekapoos

In this article, we’ve discussed the common types of intestinal parasites that affect peekapoos, including roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. We’ve also highlighted the symptoms of these infections, which can include loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and lethargy.

To prevent and treat parasitic infections in your peekapoo, it’s important to maintain regular deworming schedules recommended by your veterinarian. Additionally, proper hygiene practices for both your dog and its environment are crucial in preventing the spread of parasites.

It’s also important to note that intestinal parasites can be transmitted from mother to puppies during pregnancy or nursing. This highlights the importance of early detection through fecal exams conducted by a veterinarian.

cute peekapoo in the grass
Photo credit: @kenjispencer

Encouragement for Pet Owners to Stay Vigilant About Their Pet’s Health

As pet owners, we have a responsibility to keep our furry friends healthy and happy. This includes staying vigilant about potential health issues like parasitic infections.

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential in detecting any potential health concerns early on. Make sure you schedule appointments at least once a year (twice for senior dogs) and follow up with any recommended treatments or medications.

It’s also important to practice good hygiene habits with your dog. This includes regular grooming sessions to maintain a clean coat and skin as well as cleaning up after them regularly.

Pay attention to any changes in your dog’s behavior or appearance. If you notice any signs of an infection like lethargy or weight loss or notice anything unusual during their bowel movements seek veterinary care immediately.

While parasitic infections may be common among peekapoos – they don’t have to be unavoidable! With proper preventive measures and early detection through regular vet checkups – you can keep your furry friend healthy and happy for years to come.


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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