Peekapoo Allergies – Common Triggers For Pekingese Poodle Mix

The Allergy Epidemic in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs are prone to allergies, and it seems that the prevalence of allergic reactions in our furry friends is on the rise. In fact, according to a study conducted by Banfield Pet Hospital, cases of dog allergies have increased by 30% over the past decade. But what exactly causes these allergies? Peekapoo allergies can be caused by a variety of factors including food, environmental allergens such as pollen or dust mites, and even flea bites.

Symptoms can range from mild itching and scratching to more severe reactions like trouble breathing or anaphylaxis. While any breed can suffer from allergies, some breeds are more prone than others.

Photo credit: @lady_the_peekapoo

Why Peekapoos Are Prone to Allergies

Peekapoos are a hybrid breed resulting from the crossbreeding of Pekingese and Poodles. While they may be adorable with their curly hair and expressive eyes, they are also known for their susceptibility to various health issues including allergies. Their small size makes them more vulnerable to environmental allergens like pollen or dust mites that they inhale when playing outside or through open windows at home.

Additionally, their facial structure can cause problems; peekapoo’s short snouts make it difficult for them to breathe properly which can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Food allergies are also common in peekapoos due to their sensitive digestive systems which are easily irritated by certain proteins found in many commercial dog foods.

In addition to environmental and food-related allergies, peekapoos may experience allergic reactions from flea bites which can cause severe itching and even lead to skin infections if not treated promptly. Despite all these challenges, there is hope for managing peekapoo allergies through proper diagnosis and treatment options tailored specifically for this breed.

Common Allergies in Peekapoos

Environmental Allergies: When the Great Outdoors Becomes a Problem

For most dogs, spending time outside is one of life’s great joys. But for peekapoos with environmental allergies, the outdoors can quickly become a source of misery.

Common environmental allergens for dogs include pollen, dust mites, and mold spores. When a dog comes into contact with these allergens, their immune system overreacts and releases histamines into their bloodstream.

This leads to common allergy symptoms like itching, redness, and swelling. If you suspect that your peekapoo has environmental allergies, talk to your veterinarian about allergy testing options.

Once you know what triggers your dog’s allergies, you can begin taking steps to limit their exposure. This might include wiping down your dog after outdoor playtime or investing in an air purifier for your home.

Photo credit: @kenjispencer

Food Allergies: The Importance of Reading Ingredient Labels

While environmental allergies are certainly common in peekapoos (and all dogs), food allergies are another issue altogether. Food allergies occur when a dog’s immune system reacts negatively to proteins found in their food. Common ingredients that cause allergic reactions include beef, chicken, dairy products, and wheat.

Symptoms of food allergies can vary widely but often include digestive upset (such as diarrhea or vomiting) as well as skin irritation and itchiness. If you suspect that your peekapoo has a food allergy, talk to your vet about switching them to an elimination diet or feeding them hypoallergenic dog food.

Flea Bite Allergies: When Parasites Are the Problem

Fleas are no fun for any pet owner – but they’re particularly problematic for peekapoos with flea bite allergies. Flea bite allergies occur when a dog’s immune system overreacts to the saliva that fleas inject when they bite.

This can lead to intense itching and skin irritation. Preventing flea bites is the best way to prevent flea bite allergies.

Talk to your veterinarian about preventative measures like monthly flea medication or specialty collars. If your peekapoo does develop a flea problem, prompt treatment is essential for preventing further complications.

Bottom Line on Allergies in Peekapoos

As a peekapoo owner, it’s important to be aware of common allergies that can affect your furry friend. Environmental allergies, food allergies, and flea bite allergies are all potential issues – but with proper care and management, you can help your pup live a happy, healthy life free from allergy-related discomfort. Be sure to talk with your vet about any concerns you may have so that you can work together to come up with an effective management plan for your pet’s specific needs.

Photo credit: @lucky_reno_runa

Symptoms of Allergies in Peekapoos

Allergies in peekapoos can manifest in a variety of ways. Some symptoms are more common than others, but it’s important for owners to be aware of all the signs that their furry friend may be suffering from an allergic reaction. Keep an eye out for any changes in your peekapoo’s behavior or appearance, as these may indicate an allergy.

Itching and Scratching

One of the most common symptoms of allergies in peekapoos is excessive itching and scratching. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental allergens like pollen or dust mites, food allergies, or flea bite allergies. If you notice your peekapoo is constantly scratching at their skin or rubbing themselves against furniture, it’s likely they’re experiencing discomfort from an allergic reaction.

To alleviate the itching and prevent further damage to their skin, give your peekapoo frequent baths with a gentle shampoo formulated specifically for dogs with sensitive skin. You should also try to keep their fur trimmed short to reduce the chances of irritants getting caught in it.

Redness and Irritation of the Skin

Another tell-tale sign that your peekapoo may have an allergy is redness and irritation on their skin. This can be localized to one particular area (such as the paws) or spread over a larger portion of their body.

In severe cases, this can lead to open sores that become infected if left untreated. To soothe irritated skin, apply a cool compress or use an anti-itch cream recommended by your vet. If you suspect that your dog has developed a secondary bacterial infection from scratching at their skin, you should seek veterinary care immediately.

Photo credit: @avbgdoghouse

Ear Infections

Ear infections are another common symptom of allergies in peekapoos. This is because allergies can cause inflammation in the ears, making them more susceptible to infection. If your peekapoo is shaking their head frequently, tilting it to one side, or scratching at their ears, they may have an ear infection.

If left untreated, ear infections can be painful and cause permanent damage to your dog’s hearing. To prevent them from occurring in the first place, make sure you clean your peekapoo’s ears regularly and keep an eye out for any signs of irritation or discharge.

Digestive Issues

Allergies can also affect your peekapoo’s digestive system. Some common symptoms of digestive issues related to allergies include vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. These symptoms may indicate a food allergy or sensitivity, so it’s important to pay attention to what your dog is eating and any changes in their behavior after meals.

To treat digestive issues caused by allergies, your veterinarian may recommend a special diet or prescribe medication to reduce inflammation in the gut. In severe cases where dehydration is a concern, you may need to provide fluids under veterinary supervision.

In Conclusion

Allergies can be very uncomfortable for our furry friends. It’s important for owners of peekapoos (and all dogs) to recognize the symptoms of allergies so that they can take action as soon as possible. By noticing changes in behavior or appearance early on and seeking veterinary care when necessary, we can help our pets live happier and healthier lives free from allergic reactions.

Photo credit: @bo_and_sadie_

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Allergies in Peekapoos

Skin tests and blood work for diagnosis

If you suspect that your peekapoo is suffering from allergies, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis. Your vet may perform skin tests or blood work to determine what is causing your dog’s allergic reaction.

Skin testing involves injecting a small amount of allergen under the skin and observing the reaction. Blood work can also help identify possible allergens by measuring the levels of antibodies in your dog’s blood.

While both methods can be effective, they do have their limitations. Skin testing can be sensitive but has a risk of false positives, while blood work is less sensitive but more reliable.

Medications (antihistamines, steroids)

Once you have a confirmed diagnosis, your vet may recommend medications to manage your peekapoo’s allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are commonly prescribed to block histamine production which causes itching and inflammation. Steroids may also be prescribed for more severe cases as they can quickly reduce inflammation and swelling that occurs with allergies.

However, long-term use of steroids should be avoided as it can cause negative side effects such as weight gain or impaired immune function. It’s important to note that over-the-counter medications should not be given without consulting with your veterinarian first as they could potentially interact with other medications or cause harmful side effects in dogs.

Photo credit: @poppythepeekapoo

Immunotherapy (allergy shots)

For severe or ongoing allergies, immunotherapy may be recommended by your vet. This involves gradually exposing your dog to small amounts of the allergen over time which helps desensitize them to it. Allergy shots are typically given once or twice weekly and will require regular visits to the vet for several months before any significant improvement is seen.

It’s essential that owners understand this treatment requires dedication and patience. While immunotherapy can be costly and time-consuming, it’s often the most effective long-term solution for managing allergies in peekapoos.

Overall, diagnosis and treatment of allergies in peekapoos requires the expertise of a veterinary professional. Owners should be prepared to work closely with their vet to find the best course of treatment for their furry friend.

Prevention Tips for Allergies in Peekapoos

Regular Grooming and Bathing

One of the best ways to prevent allergies in your peekapoo is by keeping them clean and well-groomed. Regular brushing will help remove any dirt, debris, or loose fur that could irritate their skin.

Plus, it can be a great bonding experience between you and your furry friend! Bathing your peekapoo is also important to keep their coat clean and free of allergens.

However, too much bathing can actually strip their skin of natural oils and lead to dryness or irritation. Aim to bathe your peekapoo once every 4-6 weeks unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian.

If you’re not comfortable bathing your dog at home, consider taking them to a professional groomer instead. They’ll have the experience and tools necessary to properly clean and care for your peekapoo’s coat.

Photo credit: @zeekatee

Avoiding Common Allergens

Another key way to prevent allergies in peekapoos is by avoiding common allergens. Environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, and mold can cause itching, redness, and irritation of the skin. To help reduce exposure to these allergens:

– Keep windows closed during peak allergy season – Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter

– Clean your home regularly (vacuum carpets, wash bedding) – Avoid walking your dog during times when pollen counts are high

Additionally, food allergies are another common cause of allergies in dogs. If you suspect that your peekapoo may have a food allergy, speak with your veterinarian about switching them to a hypoallergenic diet.

Proper Flea Prevention

Flea bites are not only annoying for dogs but they can also cause allergic reactions leading to inflammation or even hair loss. Preventing fleas from infesting your peekapoo is an important aspect of allergy prevention. There are a variety of flea preventatives available on the market, so talk with your veterinarian about which option may be best for your peekapoo.

Keep in mind that flea prevention is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may require some trial and error. In addition to using flea preventative products, regularly grooming your peekapoo can also help reduce their risk of developing a flea infestation.

Check their fur for any signs of fleas or flea dirt, especially during peak flea season. By following these prevention tips, you can help keep your peekapoo healthy and allergy-free.

However, if you notice any signs of allergies or other health issues, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian right away. They can provide you with personalized advice and treatment options to help keep your furry friend feeling their best.

Photo credit: @mmvets

Lesser Known Facts about Allergies in Peekapoos

Certain colors of peekapoo fur may be more prone to causing allergic reactions

Did you know that the color of your peekapoo’s fur can actually affect their likelihood of causing an allergic reaction? While all dogs can potentially cause allergies, some breeds and colors are known to be more hypoallergenic than others. Unfortunately, peekapoos are not one of those breeds.

According to a recent study, certain colors of peekapoo fur have been found to harbor more allergens than others. Specifically, dogs with darker colored fur tend to produce more dander and shed more frequently than their lighter colored counterparts.

If you or someone in your household suffers from allergies, it may be worth considering the color of your prospective pup’s coat before making a final decision. Lighter colored dogs may be less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Some peekapoo owners have found success with alternative treatments such as acupuncture or herbal remedies

While traditional veterinary medicine offers a variety of effective treatment options for allergies in peekapoos, some dog owners prefer to take a more holistic approach. Acupuncture and herbal remedies are two alternative treatments that have gained popularity in recent years.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body in order to stimulate natural healing processes. The practice has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and is believed to help treat a variety of ailments including allergies.

Similarly, many herbal remedies have been used for centuries as natural treatments for allergy symptoms. Common herbs used include chamomile, nettle leaf, and licorice root among others.

While there is limited scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of these treatments specifically for allergy symptoms in dogs, many dog owners swear by them. It’s important to note that before pursuing any alternative treatments for your peekapoo, you should consult with a licensed veterinarian to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for your dog’s specific needs.

Photo credit: @healingpawscenter954


As a peekapoo owner, it can be difficult to watch your furry friend suffer from allergies. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to dealing with allergy symptoms in dogs, there are plenty of options available to help manage and alleviate their discomfort. By staying informed about common allergies in peekapoos, taking preventative measures, seeking the help of a qualified veterinarian, and exploring alternative treatment options if desired, you can help keep your pup happy and healthy in spite of their allergies.

Recap of Key Points about Allergies in Peekapoos

Peekapoos are a beloved breed known for their friendly personalities and hypoallergenic coats. However, just like other dogs, they can be prone to allergies that can cause discomfort and even serious health issues. Environmental allergies, food allergies, and flea bite allergies are common sources of irritation for peekapoos.

Symptoms of allergies in peekapoos may include itching and scratching, redness and irritation of the skin, ear infections, and digestive issues. It is important for owners to be aware of these signs so they can seek veterinary care if necessary.

Diagnosis of allergies in peekapoos typically involves skin tests or blood work to determine the source of the allergy. Treatment options may include medications such as antihistamines or steroids or immunotherapy through allergy shots.

Prevention measures are also key in managing allergies in peekapoos. Regular grooming and bathing can help remove potential allergens from their fur while avoiding common allergens such as pollen or dust mites can also help prevent symptoms from occurring.

Photo credit: @haruyuzuto_wanpo

Encouragement for Owners to Seek Veterinary Care if…

If you suspect your peekapoo may be suffering from allergies it is important to seek veterinary care right away. Allergies left untreated can lead to serious health issues such as skin infections or ear infections which can cause permanent damage if left too long. Your veterinarian may recommend diagnostic tests such as skin tests or blood work to identify the source of your dog’s allergy.

From there they will be able to recommend treatment options that best fit your dog’s individual needs. It is also important to keep an open dialogue with your veterinarian about any changes you notice with your dog’s symptoms over time.

This will allow them to adjust treatment plans as necessary based on how well your dog is responding. In some cases, alternative treatments such as acupuncture or herbal remedies may be recommended in conjunction with traditional treatment methods.

It is important to be open to all options and work closely with your veterinarian to ensure that your peekapoo’s allergies are being managed as effectively as possible. Allergies can be a painful and frustrating experience for any dog, including peekapoos.

As an owner, it is important to be aware of the signs of allergies and seek veterinary care if necessary. With the right treatment plan and preventative measures in place, your peekapoo can live a happy and healthy life free from allergy symptoms.


Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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