Choosing Bark Collars for Peekapoos

As a holistic veterinarian, I know how much you love your Peekapoo. These adorable bundles of joy are a crossbreed of Pekingese and Poodle, known for their intelligence and affectionate nature. But, like any dog breed, they can have their share of behavioral quirks. One common issue Peekapoo parents face is excessive barking, which can be disruptive and stressful. That’s where Peekapoo Bark Collars come into play.

peekapoo bark collars

Choosing a bark collar for your Peekapoo can seem daunting, but with the right information and understanding of your dog’s needs, you can find the perfect solution. And remember, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Understanding Peekapoos: Behavior and Temperament

Imagine having a deeper understanding of your beloved Peekapoo’s fascinating behavior, a knowledge that could potentially make your bond even stronger. Sounds intriguing, right? Let’s dive into the world of Peekapoos to comprehend their unique temperament and behavior. This insight will help you understand why your Peekapoo might need a bark collar, and how to use it effectively.

Common Behavioral Traits of Peekapoos

Peekapoos, a crossbreed between Pekingese and Poodles, are known for their lively, affectionate, and smart nature. These dogs are often described as “big dogs in small bodies” due to their courageous and assertive demeanor. They love being the center of attention and can be quite playful and active.

However, Peekapoos can also be quite vocal. They often express their emotions, protect their territory, or alert their owners to strangers or perceived threats by barking. While this can be a beneficial trait, excessive barking can become a problem, especially in certain living situations like apartment complexes or neighborhoods with noise restrictions.

Why Peekapoos Might Need a Bark Collar

Peekapoos’ natural inclination to be vocal might necessitate the use of a bark collar. These collars are useful tools for managing excessive barking and teaching your Peekapoo to bark only when necessary. They can be especially helpful if your Peekapoo has developed a habit of barking at inappropriate times or in response to minor disturbances.

It’s important to remember that using a bark collar should not be your first choice for managing your Peekapoo’s barking. Instead, it should be considered as part of a comprehensive training approach, used in conjunction with positive reinforcement and consistent, appropriate corrections.

Peekapoos can be sensitive, and their small size makes them more susceptible to potential harm from a poorly chosen or incorrectly used bark collar. Therefore, understanding your Peekapoo’s behavior and temperament is crucial in deciding whether a bark collar is needed, and in selecting the right one.

Being well-informed about your Peekapoo’s unique traits will not only help you manage their barking but also improve your overall relationship with your furry friend. Knowledge about their temperament and needs can guide you in making the best decisions for their training and care, ensuring a happy and harmonious life together.

Remember, every Peekapoo is unique, and what works for one might not necessarily work for another. The key is to understand and respect your dog’s individuality while providing them with the love, care, and discipline they need. With patience and empathy, you can help your Peekapoo become the best dog they can be!

bark collar for peekapoo

Types of Bark Collars Suitable for Peekapoos

Choosing the right Peekapoo Bark Collars can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types available. But don’t fret, I’m here to help you make an informed decision. There are primarily two types of bark collars that I find most suitable for Peekapoos: Static Correction Bark Collars and Ultrasonic Bark Collars.

Static Correction Bark Collars

Static correction bark collars are perhaps the most common type of bark collar available. They work by delivering a small static shock to your Peekapoo when they bark. Don’t worry, the shock is harmless and just uncomfortable enough to discourage excessive barking. Here’s why they might work for your Peekapoo:

  • Adjustable Intensity: Most static correction collars have adjustable settings, allowing you to set the intensity of the static shock. This feature ensures you can find a level that’s effective, but not harmful to your Peekapoo.
  • Automatic Correction: These collars automatically detect when your Peekapoo is barking and deliver the static shock, making them a hands-off solution.
  • Consistent Correction: Using a static correction bark collar ensures your Peekapoo receives consistent correction, which can be crucial for effective behavior modification.

Ultrasonic Bark Collars

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of your Peekapoo receiving a static shock, you might want to consider an ultrasonic bark collar. These collars emit a high-frequency sound that’s unpleasant to dogs but completely inaudible to humans. Here’s why they might be a good fit:

  • Non-Physical Correction: Ultrasonic bark collars offer a non-physical form of correction, making them a more humane choice for some dog parents.
  • Immediate Response: These collars emit the high-frequency sound immediately when your Peekapoo barks, providing instant feedback.
  • Adjustable Sensitivity: Many ultrasonic collars come with adjustable sensitivity settings, allowing you to customize the collar’s response to your Peekapoo’s specific barking habits.

Both of these Peekapoo Bark Collars can be effective tools in curbing excessive barking, but the most suitable choice depends on your Peekapoo’s temperament and your personal comfort with the correction method. Remember, the goal is not to stop your Peekapoo from barking altogether, but to control excessive and unnecessary barking.

Choosing Bark Collars for Peekapoos

As a proud Peekapoo parent, it’s essential to consider several factors when selecting a bark collar for your furry friend. Let’s delve into these key aspects in more detail:

Size and Weight of the Collar

The first aspect to consider is the size and weight of the collar. Peekapoos are small dogs, typically weighing between 4 and 20 pounds, so you’ll need a lightweight collar that fits comfortably around their neck. A collar that’s too heavy or bulky could cause discomfort or even injury. Here are some points to remember:

  • Measure your Peekapoo’s neck size before purchasing a collar. This will help ensure the collar fits properly and is not too tight or too loose.
  • Choose a lightweight collar. Heavy collars can be uncomfortable and may also cause neck strain.

Sensitivity Levels of the Collar

The next factor to consider is the sensitivity level of the collar. Bark collars work by detecting your dog’s bark and sending a correction signal. The sensitivity level determines how easily the collar will trigger:

  • High sensitivity means the collar may activate with softer barks or even other loud noises.
  • Low sensitivity requires a louder bark to activate the collar.

It’s important to find a balance. You don’t want the collar to activate with every little noise, but it also needs to detect when your Peekapoo is barking excessively. Some bark collars come with adjustable sensitivity settings, allowing you to find the perfect level for your dog.

Remember, the goal of using a Peekapoo Bark Collar is not to stop your dog from barking completely. Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate. Instead, the aim is to control excessive barking that may be causing issues.

Considerations for Different Collar Types

When choosing a collar type, consider your Peekapoo’s temperament and your personal preferences. For instance, with Static Correction Bark Collars, ensure the static correction level is adjustable and starts at a very low level. Peekapoos are sensitive dogs, and a high correction level could be too much for them.

When it comes to Ultrasonic Bark Collars, these emit a high-frequency sound when your dog barks. While this sound is not harmful, it can be startling. Be sure your Peekapoo is not overly sensitive to such sounds before choosing this option.

By considering these factors, you can be confident in choosing a bark collar that is both safe and effective for your beloved Peekapoo.

bark collars for my peekapoo

Safety Considerations for Using Bark Collars on Peekapoos

Ensuring Comfort and Safety

When it comes to using Peekapoo Bark Collars, comfort and safety should be your top priorities. Remember, the goal is to manage your Peekapoo’s barking behavior, not to punish them.

To ensure comfort, the collar should be a good fit. It should be snug enough to stay in place but loose enough to allow for normal movement and breathing. If the collar is too tight, it can cause discomfort or even injury. On the other hand, if it’s too loose, the device may not work properly.

The weight of the collar is also an important factor to consider. Peekapoos are small dogs, and a heavy collar could be burdensome for them. Choose a lightweight collar that won’t weigh your dog down.

Safety is another critical consideration. Make sure the correction level of the collar is appropriate for your Peekapoo’s size and temperament. A collar with adjustable correction levels is ideal as it allows you to start with the lowest level and gradually increase it if necessary.

Also, ensure the collar has a safety shut-off feature. This feature automatically turns off the collar if it’s activated too many times in a short period, preventing over-correction and ensuring your Peekapoo’s safety.

Avoiding Over-Correction

Over-correction can be harmful and counterproductive in training your Peekapoo. It can cause fear, anxiety, and even aggression, which can exacerbate the barking problem instead of solving it.

To avoid over-correction, start with the lowest correction level on the bark collar. Monitor your Peekapoo’s reaction to the correction. If it seems too intense or if your dog appears frightened or anxious, reduce the correction level or stop using the collar altogether.

Remember, the goal of using a bark collar is to get your Peekapoo to associate excessive barking with an unpleasant experience (the correction), not to cause them distress or pain.

Also, it’s essential to use the bark collar in conjunction with positive reinforcement. Reward your Peekapoo for quiet behavior and gradually reduce the use of the collar as their barking behavior improves.

In conclusion, safety and comfort should be your top priorities when using a bark collar on your Peekapoo. Choose a comfortable, lightweight collar with adjustable correction levels and a safety shut-off feature. Avoid over-correction and pair the use of the collar with positive reinforcement for the best results.

Training Peekapoos with Bark Collars

Training Peekapoos with bark collars is an effective way to manage excessive barking behavior. However, it’s essential to use the right techniques and balance correction with positive reinforcement to ensure successful training.

Effective Training Techniques

When using a bark collar for your Peekapoo, it’s crucial to introduce the collar gradually. Start by allowing your Peekapoo to wear the collar without it being switched on. This way, your dog can get used to the feel of the collar around its neck.

In the initial days, keep the correction levels at the lowest setting. As your Peekapoo becomes more familiar with the collar, you can slowly increase the correction levels. It’s also important to monitor your dog’s reactions to the collar, and adjust the settings if you notice signs of distress.

Remember that the goal of a bark collar is to discourage excessive barking, not to punish your dog. So, always couple the use of a bark collar with behavioral training. For example, when your Peekapoo stops barking in response to the collar, reward your dog with a treat or a favorite toy. This way, your dog will associate good behavior with positive rewards.

Balancing Correction with Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in training Peekapoos with bark collars. While the bark collar corrects the barking behavior, positive reinforcement rewards the dog for good behavior, creating a balanced training approach.

Here’s how you can balance correction with positive reinforcement:

– Use treats, praise, or toys as rewards when your Peekapoo stops barking on its own or responds well to the collar.
– Always ensure that the rewards are immediate. This helps your dog to understand what behavior is being rewarded.
– Avoid using the bark collar all the time. Allow some bark-free time where your Peekapoo can bark freely.
– Don’t rely solely on the bark collar for training your Peekapoo. Incorporate other training methods such as command training or clicker training.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one Peekapoo might not work for another. It’s essential to be patient, consistent, and flexible in your training approach. And most importantly, always ensure that your Peekapoo’s well-being is your top priority when using a bark collar. After all, the goal of using a Peekapoo Bark Collars is to create a happy and harmonious living environment for both you and your furry friend.

using bark collars on peekapoos

Top Bark Collar Brands for Peekapoos

Choosing a bark collar for your Peekapoo can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of brands available in the market. However, some brands have established a reputation for their effectiveness, safety, and comfort. Let’s explore some of the top brands that offer the best bark collars for Peekapoos.

SportDOG Brand

SportDOG is a brand that dog owners trust due to its focus on quality and durability. Their bark collars are known for their adjustable correction levels, making them suitable for Peekapoos. The SportDOG NoBark SBC-R Rechargeable Bark Control Dog Collar is a top pick due to its Silent Partner™ technology, which distinguishes your dog’s bark from other noises.


PetSafe is another esteemed brand that offers a range of anti-bark collars designed to suit different breeds and sizes, including Peekapoos. The PetSafe Basic Bark Control Collar is a popular choice, featuring six levels of progressive static correction, and is waterproof for outdoor use.


Known for their GPS technology, Garmin also offers a range of dog training products. Their Garmin BarkLimiter Deluxe Dog Training Collar is an excellent choice for Peekapoos, featuring a lightweight and slim design. It uses accelerometer-based bark identification to distinguish between barking and other vocalizations.

Comparing Features and Benefits

When choosing the right bark collar for your Peekapoo, it’s crucial to compare the features and benefits of each brand. Here are some considerations:

SportDOG Brand

– Silent Partner™ technology to distinguish your dog’s bark from other noises
– 10 levels of static stimulation to suit your dog’s temperament
– Waterproof and submersible to 10 feet
– Long-life rechargeable battery


– Six levels of progressive static correction
– Automatic safety shut-off after 50 seconds
– Waterproof for outdoor use
– The collar is adjustable to fit neck sizes up to 28 inches


– Accelerometer-based bark identification
– Slim, lightweight design for comfort
– Bark Odometer™ to count the number of barks
– Long-lasting rechargeable lithium-ion battery

In conclusion, the choice of a Peekapoo bark collar will depend on your specific needs and your dog’s temperament. Ensure to choose a product that offers a balance between effectiveness and safety. The brands mentioned above are recommended due to their proven track record in offering reliable, safe, and effective bark collars.

Maintaining and Cleaning Bark Collars

Taking care of your Peekapoo’s bark collar is as crucial as selecting the right one. Proper maintenance not only enhances the lifespan of the collar but also ensures its effectiveness and the comfort of your furry friend. Here, we’ll go through some regular maintenance tips, and how to clean and store the bark collars properly.

Regular Maintenance Tips

  • Regular Inspection: Always check the bark collar for any signs of wear and tear. Regular use may cause the collar to deteriorate, reducing its efficiency. If you notice any damages, it’s advisable to replace the collar to ensure your Peekapoo’s safety.
  • Battery Check: Always keep an eye on the battery level. A bark collar with a low battery may not function correctly, leading to ineffective training. Some collars have an indicator light, while for others, you may need to check manually.
  • Fit: Regularly check the fit of the collar. Peekapoos can grow rapidly, and the collar that fit perfectly a month ago may now be too tight, causing discomfort.

Cleaning and Storing Bark Collars

  • Cleaning: It’s essential to clean the bark collar regularly. Dirt and sweat can build up on the collar, leading to skin irritations. Use a soft cloth and mild soap to gently clean the collar. However, make sure to avoid the collar’s sensor and electronic parts.
  • Drying: After cleaning, allow the collar to air dry. Avoid using a heater or hairdryer as the heat may damage the collar’s electronic components.
  • Storing: When not in use, store the bark collar in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or damp areas as this can lead to damage.

Just as we take care of our belongings to ensure their longevity, the same principle applies when it comes to your Peekapoo’s bark collar. Regular cleaning and proper storage not only extend the collar’s lifespan but also ensure its effectiveness in curbing unnecessary barking. Remember, a well-maintained collar is more likely to provide reliable results and keep your Peekapoo comfortable and happy.

Choosing a bark collar for your Peekapoo is not just about buying the product and using it. It’s about understanding your dog’s behavior, selecting the appropriate collar, and taking good care of it. The journey might seem daunting, but the results are rewarding. With patience, consistency, and the right tools like a well-maintained bark collar, you can enjoy a peaceful and harmonious life with your Peekapoo.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are bark collars and how do they work?

Bark collars are devices designed to discourage excessive barking in dogs. They typically work by emitting a harmless stimulus, such as a beep, vibration, or mild static shock, when the dog barks. This helps the dog associate barking with the unpleasant stimulus, eventually reducing the frequency of barking.

2. Are bark collars safe for Peekapoos?

Yes, bark collars can be safe for Peekapoos if used properly. It is important to choose a collar that is specifically designed for small breeds like Peekapoos and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian before using a bark collar.

3. What types of bark collars are suitable for Peekapoos?

Peekapoos are small and sensitive dogs, so it is best to choose bark collars that are lightweight, adjustable, and have multiple sensitivity levels. Citronella spray collars, vibration collars, or ultrasonic collars are often considered more suitable for smaller breeds like Peekapoos.

4. How do I select the right size of bark collar for my Peekapoo?

When selecting a bark collar for your Peekapoo, it is important to consider their neck size and weight. Most bark collars come with adjustable straps, but it’s crucial to measure your dog’s neck circumference accurately to ensure a proper fit. Refer to the manufacturer’s sizing guide to choose the appropriate size for your Peekapoo.

5. Can bark collars be used as the sole solution for excessive barking?

No, bark collars should not be the sole solution for excessive barking. While they can be effective in reducing barking, it is important to address the underlying causes of excessive barking, such as boredom, anxiety, or fear. Providing proper mental and physical stimulation, training, and addressing any potential health issues are essential in managing excessive barking in Peekapoos.

Lindsie Parks

Lindsie is the founder of Peekapoo World and holds a bachelor's degree in biology. With over 19 years of experience as a veterinary technician and holding various leadership positions, she now manages a veterinary practice in Colorado. Lindsie's passion for animal welfare led her to work at an Oklahoma animal shelter for six years, where she helped improve the health of tens of thousands of animals and even formed a pet rescue group. Currently, she is completing certification as a master herbalist and has expanded her knowledge in pet nutrition, whole-food-based healing, and holistic veterinary medicine, including becoming a certified canine raw dog food nutrition specialist. Lindsie also had a peekapoo, Jak, for 19 years and currently has a peekapoo named Maks!

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